I know i just posted a few minutes ago.

Sep 28, 2007 15:44

I'm posting this separately from what i just wrote since Juli gets mad when posts are too long.  It's different anyway - less whiny and despairing!

Happy points:

- I am so glad it is Friday!  This week has lasted for at least a week and a half, but it's finally the weekend. :)

- The boys had their first show last night, and it was great.  I hadn't realized how much i missed that band.  (Funny side-point: They think that they can just change the speed of an old song, and it becomes a new one.  Slow to fast, fast to slow; they'll try 'em all.)

- I got to hear what happens when you combine Michael Stipe and Nirvana.  Actually, it just made me want to listen to the real R.E.M., but Jay said the dude was nice, so i listened because there were only like 5 people there and i felt bad for him.  I hope he wasn't sad.  But if you're Michael Stipe and Nirvana, you're bound to be a little sad, right?

- Tomorrow, i'm going to watch the Gator game at Lauren and Jo's, and i am told there will be delicious nachos.  Bonuses: It doesn't cost $20 to go, and Dave is going too, or so i hear.  (Anti-bonus: Juli, where are you?)

- After work, since the boys are practicing, i am going to stop by a bakery on my way to the subway and get a delicious rosemary bread, and then i am going to eat it with delicious Fromager d'Affinois and some red wine when i get home.  And maybe, if no one is watching the TV, i'll watch the old DVR-ed Gator-Tennessee game that i didn't get to see.
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