...Jesus H. Christ, I swear I am beginning to forget the meaning of a quiet life.
ANYWAY. Few small updates:
- If anyone else wants a sketch from me, there's
one spot left on the meme.
- Okay Cardiff, we get it. It's wet in Wales in January. YOU CAN STOP PISSING IT DOWN NOW, PLEASE.
- Did not die of exam. Although it would have been nice if they'd told us the right format for it... it turned out to just be two translations, one from English to French, one from French to English. If they're weighted equally, and I see no reason why they wouldn't be but with the EUROS department who knows, I should have just about passed - the English>French was a nightmare, but I know I must have got damn near 100% on the French>English. Eventually left the exam 40 minutes early when I realised I wasn't going to do any better no matter how long I stayed, and promptly went and got trollied in the Union bar: three doubles (£1.80 each!) in twenty-thirty minutes on an empty stomach will do that for you. Then went off to hunt Doctor Who filming, and was twirling around on the spot whilst on the phone to Teaboy to tell her the trailers were up by Talybont. Wheeee. Didn't find anyone, though.
- Am off to Birmingham to go see John Barrowman's pantomime with Nat and Amy on Friday, won't be back until Saturday night and obviously won't be taking laptop with me. FIELD TRIP YAY.
- Didn't get up until, er, 3pm today. >.> Did accomplish stuff, though! I went into town and got my boots re-heeled, then met Lucy and Kayleigh for drinks in Borders' Starbucks. And started on my sketches for the abovementioned meme when they left. :D Also, I totally owned the ass off the huge fucking mountain of dishes earlier. ALL DONE. I even did one of the grills!
- Finally: courtesy
kita0610, Faux News on the Obamas' PDAs:
Click to view
Oh, Fox News. I do not think that word means what you think it means.
Aaaand I think that's about it.