Aaand my week stayed crazy, but kept getting better, so I can live with that.
Today, I: got up (at 11 -- I went to bed at about 3), packed stuff I needed taken home before Emma turned up, I met my father to hand over said stuff, did Emma's makeup for her casting audition, went to the library to return books, renew other books and print out the form for my casting audition, grabbed lunch from the Optometry café, filled in the form for my casting audition, finally gave up on getting to straighten my hair so just used serum on it instead, got together all the necessary revision materials for my exam on Monday, took a taxi to casting audition, did makeup in toilets before audition since the taxi arrived halfway through my doing it, had audition (was fun! If unnervingly like choir auditions - even the building was the same - just with lots of old people in their sixties and seventies and middle-ages as well as people my age. Everyone was very nice, and I got several random compliments, and they took pretty photos of me! :D), walked the twenty-five minutes to the nearest cafe in five-inch heels, collapsed for an hour, got picked up by Dad and taken home.
Tonight, my to-do list has run something like this: tag everywhere, write Sam-Lyssa, EP Sam for Crackplot That Isn't, write huge Suzie tag for Torchwoodplot, update my LJ, get photos off desktop for new comm, post said photos to new comm, tag into Sam-Antoine, SLEEP AND NEVER STOP EVER.
*flails about*
Also, you guys, come and see what
buongiornodaisy and I made!
something_daily is the picspam community with a constantly changing theme: this week, it's LOST. Next week, who knows?
It's what happens on the spur of the moment at 2am the night before a 9am exam when I'm reading my flist and being bounceygiggly when I should be either sleeping or revising. In other words, it's FUN.
Oh, right-wingers.
If you keep putting it like that, Republicans will never win an election again! It's almost endearing, really. All I want to know is, if we elect Derek Banana over here as well can we have a gay orgy too? Please? Pretty please?
(Also, America?
You have the most adorable president known to man. Rock on, Mr Queen-Of-All-America, sir.)