The HP Male Marriage Quiz made by
Sapphire.Damn straight I am. I didn't even try to work out who some of the questions were about. *grins manically*
I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory today. It's a good film. Yes, it changed the book a lot, but it also had a lot of little references to it and hey, so did the original. Which I have not seen in donkey's years, so don't ask which was better as I barely remember it. Was I the only one who caught the hidden reference to the first Depp/Burton project, Edward Scissorhands, when Wonka cut the ribbon? Or am I simply reading too much into it? Um. Well. Depp as Wonka was... kinda haunting, really. I'm not entirely sure why. And can you say Michael Jackson? He was so Michael Jackson-a-like it's not even funny- but it was, all the same. He didn't play him with enough energy to be the Wonka I'd always thought of, who was always moving and infinitely wiser than his movie incarnation. But damned if Depp still didn't find a way to be sexy as hell. *pokes Circe for icons* I foresee a lot of Sues springing up in this fandom...
Apparently I was supposed to be working overtime tonight. It would have been extremely helpful if someone had told me.