So far behind

Jun 28, 2010 11:05

I am now a month behind on LJ and DW. I have not even been able to read any Big Bangs yet in any fandom.
My oldest nephew, who is 15 soon to be 16 at the start of October, has moved in with me while his mom and stepdad try to find a new place in my neighborhood. And I love my nephew, he lived with me until he was almost seven and practically lived ( Read more... )

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bethac June 28 2010, 19:03:42 UTC
If you could point me in a direction that would be wonderful. I have only come across some Kurt/Puck and Kurt/Finn, buy really anything would be good. For some reason I just thought the fandom would be bigger, idkw.
The whole Ryan and Jon interview was weird, and left a bad taste in my mouth. Not to get you going, if you haven't read the article, but it was basically them slamming Spencer and Brendon it seemed to me. One question asked if they were upset the other guys went on as PaTD and Jon said their decision to go on as PaTD went hand in hand with their mentality, work ethic, and idea of being in a band, and then clarified that they would rather play someone else's songs rather than their own. I mean, that's bitter for a guy that was (imo) sorta riding on their coattails. And yes, the interviewer really should not have brought up PaTD, it was to be about TYV, but their answers made me kind of glad I am not invested at all in them. Even if the new Panic album stinks (I don't think it will, for the record) I'll encourage everyone to buy it to spite TYV. And Jon's tweet made me roll my eyes. Yeah, that is one backhanded apology.
Supernatural can not come back soon enough! I


bluejbird June 28 2010, 19:20:57 UTC
No worries! It's a little different than other fandoms I've been in, like Bandom, in that there are a couple of places for everything, but stuff seems to stay very much to the ship comms.

Good places for fic in general:


Both of these have tags so you can search by pairing and rating etc.

For specific pairings you've got puckurt which I've never been to so I don't know what it's like but it's easily the most popular slash pairing in the fandom I think. There's also finnkurt which I think is having an exchange at the moment which will mean lots of fic! Also kurtmike which again I can't vouch for but there seems to be a few fics with that pairing too.

My favourite Kurt/Finn author is audaciously although I think her fic journal is fartoomanynotes. There are a few others who write really good fic with this ship too but I can't think of any other names right now. Hope this helps somewhat!

I totally get why you'd think it'd be a bigger fandom. I was completely surprised to find that my OTP (Finn/Puck) was a teeny tiny ship when I first got into Glee and then surprised to see how small the fandom was in general. Although on the other hand, there's a lot of het and femmeslash which is a nice change after going through some dude-centric fandoms!

I'm going to have to get hold of that article now, so I can rage in a more informed manner but basically? FU Ryan and Jon. I think it's ridiculous for someone like Jon to say stuff like that when he wasn't a part of the original line-up. They would all be completely broke if Brendon and Spencer hadn't continued on with the band from paying back the record company and I think if you decide to leave a band behind you can't complain that it exists without you when you made the decision to leave. I know I'm automatically biased because I love Brendon and Spencer a lot but still. Not cool, TYV. I hate that they forget that they are where they are because either they (in Ryan's case) or their friends (in Jon's case) were creaming over Pete Wentz and he gave them a chance and that their roots will always come from emo pop punk rock no matter how pretentious they decide to act about their music.

Uh. Sorry. I didn't mean to rant there! I'm really looking forward to the new Panic album, even though I no longer follow the band or anything, because I'm going to be so proud of them having done that despite their best friends turning their backs on them and bitching behind their backs in unprofessional ways.

Anyways! Supernatural! I can't wait until it comes back! I hope there is more Castiel and that Bobby isn't gone and that awesomeness happens with Sam and Dean going back to the early seasons way of things.


bethac June 28 2010, 20:07:44 UTC
Thanks for the links! They will be most helpful, and I will definitely check out audaciously. I have read lots of het in the Glee fandom, which I agree is a nice change of pace. I have read a few Will/Sue stories, and they were strangely right together. I don't really have an OTP, which is also strange. In every fandom I've been in starting with Gundum Wing I've had an OTP, but so far I just like reading everything.
I guess I expected it to be bigger because it seems for months that's all I really saw being talked about. But it's new and cute, so it is fun just diving in!
The article was and is just a great big boggle. I was never into PaTD like FOB or MCR but I think both Ryan and Jon need a kick in the pants. Throwing people who you have worked with (and who got you the jobs) under the bus because it's no longer "the thing" to know them is something children do. Both of these guys (especially Jon whose been in several bands) had to know the show must go on, they had contracts and tour obligations. And really, without Pete they would not have gotten where they are. And if something is going on behind the scenes to make you so bitter, either keep it behind the scenes or bring it all out. Either way, I'm done with TYV (not that I really started. I just peek every now and then to see how things are going. And apparently they are not going well).
I like Spencer and Brendon. And I like them more for taking the high road in public (as far as I know at this time.). I can't wait now for their album, where before I was not really thinking of them at all.
And yes, unprofessional is just one of the words I'd use for Ryan and Jon. I think it will be harder for them to find good tours, they already have a rep for breaking a big contract (with PaTD) and for not fulfilling obligations. And I don't believe Ryan at least will be happy playing smaller, more intimate shows.
I also wonder if lines have been drawn at Decaydance. Hmm.
Supernatural! I am reading Rageprufrock's (sp?) new wip, which is girl Deanna, John back from hell, and Cas in love with Deanna, and Deanna lost in hell. I love Supernatural!


bluejbird June 28 2010, 20:32:51 UTC
No worries! I'm just so glad when I see people I know floating towards Glee fandom so I'm happy to help! It seems a lot of people in Glee fandom multiship since there's such a big, brilliant cast and it automatically lends itself to that, which I think is awesome. Will/Sue is hilarious! There's also a pretty funny Will/someone pairing that you'll probably stumble upon after you watch the back half of the season which has a similar dynamic.

It's refreshing to know that someone who wasn't as into Panic as I was (they were my second band, after FOB) has the same views on this. I sometimes worry my bias is showing, you know? :)

I think lines have been drawn at Decaydance- I've not been properly in bandom for almost a year now, but I know last year Pete had tried to get in contact with Ryan many, many times and Ryan hadn't responded. Which seems an odd thing to do, considering. And then Pete and Ashlee were essentially double dating with Brendon and Spencer a lot so I think Ryan has maybe burnt that bridge.

I think in some ways it's best for bands to be open about the problems so that you don't get this sort of situation- one side not saying anything and the other side saying too much. Amicable splits are nice and all but the truth might stop the backstabbing. It's like with Bob- I wish someone would tell us why he left MCR so that I don't continue to worry that his wrists are really buggered or something.

Ooh, Ragreprufrock has a new fic? I'm not much into genderswap fic but I love her fics and also Deanna seems to work so well as a character in general. I will have to check it out! I haven't read much SPN fic lately and what I have read is Sam/Gabriel so this will be a nice change! Thanks for the rec!


bethac June 28 2010, 22:25:54 UTC
The Will/Sue stories are funny. I admit I love Sue lots so far. I feel bad for ignoring the show so long, even after everyone swore it was awesome. I'm glad I found it now!
I was never a big PaTD fan, I liked their music but MCR and FOB were/are my bands. But I did like them enough to check every now and then to see what was going on with them. When they split I sorta shrugged, and it seemed amicable. That's why this interview was kind of a surprise to me. And it's just, Ryan and Jon walked out on obligations and people, they do not get to throw a temper tantrum now. They ignored Pete and everyone else, which Ryan posted in a "aren't i a little stinker" kind of interview about it.
Anyway, I know I'm preaching to the choir but the interview is really bad.
The Bob/MCR thing to me seemed easier to understand why nobody said anything. Bob always seemed so intensely private, I would be surprised if he ok'd anything about himself coming out. If it is his wrists and back, he may not want people to talk about it. And from things said it seems his wrists and back were really bad.
Rageprufrock new wip is lovely and hurty. i do love genderswap, but it is hard to get right. This Deanna is how I picture Dean would be if born a girl and things were a little different. Still the same strengths, but able to show a softer loving side easier. Anyway, it's up to chapter 8 I think. So far so good!


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