"You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are you talkin' to? You talkin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who do the fuck do you think you're talking to? Oh, yeah? Ok." ~
Travis Bickle, Taxi Driver At my company, we have an all employee meeting every month. Today was September's meeting. I was about 10 minutes late due to being on a call. I end the call and walk over to the warehouse where we have these meetings. Since I sit all damn day long, I stand in the back not paying attention. I walk in and one of the Customer Service managers is up front talking. I don't pay attention and weave my way to my usual spot in the back of the warehouse. The bay doors are open and I look outside for a moment before turning around.
As I turn around, I hear the manager at the front say "Elizabeth". I don't think anything of it, since most everyone knows me as Beth and I rarely am called my full name. I stand there looking at him and he says "Elizabeth" again while staring right at me. So brillant me says, in my best DeNiro voice "You talkin' to me?" Turns out that he had been calling my name for a few minutes and I was completely ignoring him. He tells me to come to the front of the room. I still have no idea why but I walk up anyhow. That's when they hand me a certificate. I look at it and realize that I won something. Employee of the Month for my small department.
I thank him and start to walk away. But alas...I don't get away that easily. I'm told I have to have my picture taken. I totally rolled my eyes in front of most of the company, held up my certificate in front of (not even checking to see if it was upside down or not) and gave a big cheesy grin. Picture taken, I walk away and finish listening to the rest of the meeting.
I get back to my desk and while I'm being congradulated by my co workers...my boss tells me that I also won a $50 gift card. Rock on! I never win anything. Only bad thing is that it'll be about 2 weeks before I get it. But that doesn't matter. I still won.
and they said winning wasn't everything.