RP post for milliways_bar: Painting Richard and Armand

Feb 16, 2005 23:46

It is just a few steps through the snow, and they arrive at a timber-framed house with a steep roof.

Beth unlocks the door, and beckons his visitors inside. There is a corridor, and at the end otf the corridor, there is a kitchen with nobody in it. There is a range, rather central in the wall, where the old hearth used to be, and a sink to the left; beside the sink, there is a door, white like the walls, and slightly open.

"Over there," Beth says, leading them through, and down a flight of chairs.

The first level of cellars is just full of supplies: food, wine, a keg of ale, canvasses, demi-johns of turpentine.

Down the next flight of stairs, and there is a studio, a couch, and easel with a large fresh canvas, and paints ready for used. There is a decanter of red wine, and some glasses ready beside it.

"You go there", Beth says with a grin, indicating the couch.
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