P.S: Rest of the world

Oct 25, 2004 08:58

While all bloody hell was breaking loose around here with bloody Lacrimosa and whatnot, the world has not been sleeping elsewhere, and quite seriously, I am appalled at some things.

[Private, Teppic]

What the bloody hell did you think you were doing to Ponder?? What in bloody blazes has he ever done to you to deserve being hurt like that?? Do you ever bloody think??

I am going to kick you again the moment you're no longer needed to stand in for Arthur so he can be with Oriel. So you better find a bloody good reason why I bloody shouldn't, or you'll be out of commission for a bloody month! And not getting any of what you're so proud of that you tell everybody about it whether they want to hear it or not, while your bloody tailbone is bloody recovering from being bloody fragmented!!!


[Private, Ponder}

What with the alarms and panic we had here, I have been rather neglecting you. There are so many things I should have told you, starting with what was actually going on.

Can you forgive me at all? Is there anything you'd like me to do for you now?


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