Myspace... the *ultimate* interactive experience...

Sep 21, 2006 03:16

Wow... I would never have believed it. You could have told me over and over and over again and I would have turned you away. I had stuck my nose up at Myspace.

Now I've been converted. 100% believer.

I can't go into full details, but all I can say is I look forward to my Myspace now. I've been interacting with someone on a blog that has made my day... no made my week so much better.

Before you all jump to the wrong conclusion - it's not a romantic interest. No way. No chance in hell with this one as he *is* a celebrity of sorts. But he does take time every day - which surprised me - to interact with his fans.

This is not a poser - a fake - but the real deal. It's been confirmed by multiple reliable sources. Last night he popped online for a few minutes and was asking for just general questions. The only thing I could think to ask once my brain woke up enough to realize that I had been given a free chance to speak my mind - was does this person believe in reincarnation?

What followed not only made my night but the rest of the week as well. He not only answered my question with a long story but he has the same beliefs that I do. Reinacarnation is indeed possible.

He then thought so much about my question that he made it into a separate blog entry and invited free discussion on the topic.

I was doing cartwheels over here. My poor brain actually came up with a topic that was not only worthy of debate but he was looking forward to reading more answers and having a bigger discussion about it!

Yes, Myspace was evil. Myspace was garbage.

Not anymore... Now it's the best thing ever. I've been converted. It's the ultimate fan interaction experience. I'm thrilled to death over here so much that I can't fall asleep now. I'm wide awake and full of adrenaline.

Call me nuts, but I'm enjoying this.
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