Hooray for questions...

Jan 13, 2005 13:41

Date: Jan 13th, 2004.
Time: 11:57 am.

[x] Name: Bethany Margaret Hidden.
[x] What does it mean: ummm....house of something or other.
[x] Nickname: Bethy, B, BB, Boo, B-Money, Bloody Bethy, "Yo B" and so on and so forth.
[x] How did you get your nickname: Well the first three I'm sure are self explanatory, Boo is what my mom calls me, B-Money is what they call me at work, Bloody Bethy is my TFO name, and "Yo B" has become my greeting when the TFO kids see and/or talk to me then it's pretty much whatever you can put with a "B" in it.
[x] Gender: Well, biologically I'm female....
[x] Homo/Bi/Straight: Yeah I'm a homo...SAPIAN...oh bad joke.
[x] Single/Taken: Oh, very much single.
[x] Age/DOB: 20, July 31st, 1984
[x] Location: Sacramento, CA
[x] Digits: Yeah I'll do that, because I love random people calling me. Gawd.
[x] Sign: Leo (ROAR!!!)

[x] Eye Color: Hazel brown.
[x] Make-up: Alot of Cover Girl. I like black lined eyes and red nails.
[x] Hair color: Auburn red. Need to re-dye soon to a nice bold red.
[x] Long or short hair: Medium/Short.
[x] Height: 5' 10"
[x] Weight: 200-ish, don't know for sure because I have no scale. Probably a little under 200.
[x] Tattoos: Nope.
[x] Piercings: Nada.
[x] Nationality: White.

[x] Shampoo: Pantene Pro-V.
[x] Conditioner: Same.
[x] Body wash: Bath & Body Works in Cherry Blossom or True Blue Spa shea body scrub.
[x] Lotion: B&BW Cherry Blossom and True Blue Spa firming lotion.
[x] Animal: Lion.
[x] Fast food: In & Out Burger.
[x] Restaurant: Hard Rock Cafe or Joe's Crab Shack (their fun.)
[x] Fruit: Cherries.
[x] Vegetable: Tomatoes (and I know that they are technically a fruit, but I call it a veggie and a veggie it shall be.)
[x] Soda: When I could drink it, I loved Cherry or Vanilla Coke.
[x] Alcoholic drink: Don't have one yet.
[x] Cigarette: Nope.
[x] Drug: Chocolate & caramel.
[x] TV show: ADULT SWIM cartoons, Scrubs, Project Runway, Queer Eye for The Straight Guy, The Surreal Life.
[x] Cartoon: Sealab 2021, Aqua Teen, Family Guy, Futurama, The Simpsons, Mucha Lucha.
[x] Band: THE DARKNESS, The Monkees, The Ramones, The Talking Heads, Iron Butterfly.
[x] Song: ever? "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" by The Darkness. That song always makes me happy. Always.

[x] Thought: Just random thoughts.
[x] Music: Work sounds.
[x] Food: Tostitos Hint of Lime chips.
[x] Drink: Water.
[x] Clothing: Jeans, Studio Theatre shirt.
[x] Hairstyle: Down.
[x] Mood: Meh.
[x] Shoes: Black Converse.

[[------HAVE YOU EVER------]]
[x] Done drugs: Nope.
[x] Drank alcohol: Yep.
[x] Had sex: Nope.
[x] Stripped: Nope.
[x] Skinny dipped: Nope.
[x] Fist fought: Nope.
[x] Broke a bone: Nope. Man this was a boring section.

[[------WHAT MAKES YOU------]]
[x] Happy: The Darkness, Ed Graham, The Evil Dead, Bruce Campbell, zombies, my friends, my family, chocolate, Old Navy, TFO stuff, Hellen Keller jokes, watching movies, good and funny jokes.
[x] Angry: technology, gross-out humor, fakness, rude people, people who think the world owes them something, lateness, and things like that.
[x] Depressed: Many things having to do with myself and the things I put myself through.
[x] Nervous: Boys and being around new people. I'm shy.
[x] Scared: Failing, the future(well MY future),and ants.

[[------WHO IS THE------]]
[x] Hottest guy: I know?....there's one that I consider really hot. He's way to good for me, though. I'm just an over-flowing bucket of self confidence, aren't I.
[x] Hottest chick: Most def Stasi & Fran.
[x] Loudest: Jeremy (in a fun way though.)
[x] Quietest: Hmm...
[x] Talented: We all have our talents.
[x] Motherly: My mom.
[x] Asshole: Random jerks I met downtown.
[x] Druggie: I don't have any druggie friends (that I know of.)
[x] Funniest: I only surrond myself with the funny.
[x] Annoying: Darin & his jokes get old very fast. I can only stand to hear "Hey Bethy, watch the front" so many times before I want to poke pencils in my ears. But Darin RAWKS so I deal with it.

[x] Do you have a crush: I hate to use the word "crush" after a year. It's more like a ..."longing."
[x] What‘s their name: ...
[x] Do you have a boyfriend: Negative.
[x] What‘s their name: ...
[x] Do you have a girlfriend: ...
[x] What‘s their name: ...
[x] What age did you lose your virginity at: I'm still fully intact.
[x] Do you regret it: ...
[x] How many sexual partners have you had: ...
[x] How many were guys: ...
[x] How many were girls: ...
[x] How many guys have you kissed: One.
[x] How many girls have you kissed: ...
[x] Have you ever thought about being Homosexual or Bisexual: There was this chick at the New Years party who kept asking me if I was a lesbian. Thought about it and all signs pointed to no. She gave it a good shot though.
[x] If you are a female: If you got pregnant and didn‘t want the child, would you abort it: That's a tough question to answer, so I think I'll skip it.
[x] If you’re a guy: ...

[x] Abortion: I honestly make no judgements, that is completely personal.
[x] George Bush: I'm tired of hearing about him, seriously.
[x] Religion: Not really for me at this stage in my life.
[x] Pre-marital sex: Do it or don't do it, its up to you. Personally, I think it's fine.
[x] Drugs: I really don't like to think about grugs and how badly people mess up their lives with them.
[x] War: I don't have an opinion at this moment. I havn't payed close enough attention.

[x] Coke or Pepsi: Coke.
[x] Kiss or Hug: Both.
[x] Small or Big: What are be talking about here, cause I would rather have a SMALL electric bill but a very BIG chocolate cake...
[x] Decaf coffee or Regular: Decaf.
[x] Deaf or blind: Neither.
[x] If you were condemned to death, would you rather burn or freeze to death: I'm going to say burn, but I'm cold at the moment so judgment may be jaded.

[x] Who is your best friend: Brianne Hidden.
[x] How old are they: 20
[x] How long have you known them: She's my twin-sister, so my entire life.
[x] Where did you meet: The womb.
[x] Exactly how did you meet [[Give details]]: Well, when a man loves a women...
[x] Best memory: TOO MANY. She's my sista, so alot of the stuff I've gone through, she's gone through as well.
[x] Worst memory: For as many good memories, there are alot of bad memories as well.
[x] What were your thoughts when you first met them: I dunno? I was a fetus.
[x] Have your thoughts changed since then: My sister's insane. But she's fun too.
[x] Have they changed your life at all: I wouldnt be who I am today if it werent for her.
[x] Have you done anything that you regret: Nope. Everything I've ever done has lead me to where I am.
[x] What do you regret: See above, fool.
[x] Is there anything you‘d like to tell them now: If I had something to say I would just call her and say it.

[x] Father‘s name: Dale Avarey Newton (step-dad.)
[x] What did/does he do for a living: Truck driver.
[x] Mother‘s name: Lisa Anne Friend-Newton.
[x] What did/does she do for a living: Nurse.
[x] Any sisters: Twin-sister Brianne and step-sister Melissa.
[x] Their names: ur...Brianne and Melissa.
[x] Their ages: 20 and 27(I think Melissa's 27.)
[x] Any brothers: Younger brother Tyler.
[x] Their names: jeebus...it's Tyler.
[x] Their ages: 13.
[x] Who do you live with: I live by myself.
[x] Do you get along with your parents: Very much so.
[x] Do you get along with your siblings: Yep.
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