Rome and other things that are happening

Oct 27, 2008 20:01

Okay, so i am going to Rome 3am tomorow, so i'll be gone from the world of zee internet. Apparently it is going to be really hot, which is why i am binging my Jeans and Hoodies. So i don't die of heatstroke, cause that will work, It will work wont it. Tell me it will work.

So i changed my room around, it is now all different, i moved my Bed my TV my computer my chest of drawes, it is like a whole new room, but the only problem is i appeared to have lost everything in the process, What used to be over there is now somewhere else and it is very confusing, there is only so much my brain can handle.


Any way I am bringing my DS to Rome, and loadsa DS/Gameboy games, i can't wait.

So, oh shit, I have geography coursework to do, (look at my previous entries and you'll see why I hate geography) with a passion

And I am going to tell you all what happened to day, I'll tell you what... Nothing... Nothing at all, Wait something did happen, IT SNOWED, how did i not mention that, IT SNOWED. For like 2 minutes, but that is SNOW!!!!

I still need to pack my jimjams for ROME!!!

Okay so that is done, now onto the important stuff, Supernatural Under cut for spoilers

Okay so supernatural season three is so good.

First of all Dean back from hell, well that was obvious, but Castielthe angels and all that, i was convinced that Sam, was gonna bust him outa that joint that joint.
But all of that has been said before. wasn't yellow fever, just about the funniest episode ever
the girly scream, the cat. it was all just bloody amazing. .

ooooohow more random stuff, Heroes, i am gonna miss it for being in Rome i have to wait until Friday/Sat to watch it on NINJA cause i cant download anything due to the Governmento monitoring all our Internet accessYou know what my views on that is WELL FUCK YOU GORDAN BROWN. *shoots the Prime Minister*

^would you look at that the BeBethMeisters swearing *hits self with lamp* Badbethy badbethyokay i am just too obobsessed with Harry Potter

Ooo look a fly

Okay, so the point of this post was, nothing other than to say ROME!!!!

geography, rome

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