
Sep 27, 2008 11:18

Dudes, i have nothing to say but OMG, i am currently working in order to save up, yes the bethmyster can save money, to buy the next to seasons of SPN. because as none of you know i can't hear very well, so watching stuff online, means i am basically hoping that when they talk they face the camera, or i have the volume proper loud. But of course i still miss out on alot as shows like SPN have alot of other noises such as bangs and stuff. But with the legendary subtittles on my season one Boxset that i have owned for exactly a week i don't miss out on anything.

It is so cool.

Okay you guys might not think it is cool but i sure do.

Another thing right, unsupernatural realated, for those of you in the UK. MOCK THE WEEK HAS ENDED NOOOOOOO!!!!! how will my Thursday nights survive.

And on Wednesday Heroes is starting up on the Beeb, which means no adverts and i can have my precious subtittles.

And another thing the BBCiplayer now has subtittles as well, which is pretty awsome.

You may be thinking why this entire post is about the awsomeness that is SUBTITTLES well that would be because I haven't been to ENT to provide my short term 6 monthly fix in about 7 months. so untill Monday Week I can't really hear. Well up until 7 months ago it was every 4 months so i am going to ask if they can change it back to four months.

Okay my adoration and rant about subtittles is over

Why has my page fucked up, is it just my comp.
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