Black spots

Jul 12, 2008 14:50

i am feeling ill, all cold and clammy, i have really low BP, so it happens alot, but i fucking hate it, and now i gotta go to the gym or else i'll get fat, i will probs pass out, but who cares. I am so cold.

But onto other news, yesterday School finally broke up for the summer hols, 7 weeks of nothing.

In england where i live, they are thinking of cutting down the summer hols to 4 weeks, and then having 3 weeks at christmas and 3 at easter, and still having all the half terms, so its still 12 weeks but more spread out. I hope they do, i get so bored and skint in the summer hols.

All clammy and cold, head between knees, and i should be okay.

holidays, school, pressure, ill, vacation, easter, summer, low, christmas, blood

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