
Jun 03, 2008 14:43

Okkay, my first thing like this, right now i am at work experience in acorn offices, fun. no it's not really. I am so bored all i have done today is played around with excel and filing. It's raining isn't that just great. i had to get up at 6 this morning i am not used to that. I could fall asleep at my desk I'm that tired. I can't listen to my ipod, because i lost it. And then at 5 when i head home, I'll have to go back on the M25 when it's raining, and that will just be hell, Because the M25 is the worst motorway i've ever been on. Today i just found out we are getting a months worth of rain today.

But on a lighter note, when i get home all I gotta do is my Geography Coursework, French Coursework, English Coursework, and compose a song, oh wait that isn't a lighter note. damn i have nothing good i nice to do today. I just did the post, that was fun.

And now the people looking after me are trying to find things for me to do, I am too efficient, according to them, they give me a job and I do within 5 minutes, I think they have run out.

Okay so that is the end of my first blog on this site,

please comment so I know people are reading this, and maybe next time I'll write a really long one.

See ya people

filing, work, bored, experience, acorn, m25

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