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This is definitely going to be a ranty-style post. I will start by saying that I keep my cell phone on silent/vibrate. This is the best option for me and I realize it won’t be the best option for everyone. That said, there are circumstances where it really is the best option.
Like during lectures.
I really do not understand why students keep their cell phones not on vibrate. You are in and out of classes and other meetings all day. I’d be an advocate of just turning them off/down while in class; but, I get it, it’s hard to remember to do that. Off… On… Off… On… I get it and this is why I just leave mine off.
Some people won’t hear or feel it vibrating. Missing a call while you’re IN CLASS AND CAN’T ANSWER ANYWAY (or really shouldn’t answer - though I’ve seen it happen) WILL.NOT.THE.WORLD.END! I was in a class, the lecture was just getting started and I shit you not, the kid in front of me answer his phone, “I can’t talk right now, I’m in class.” Thankfully he was in front of me and I couldn’t not turn to him and say something that I would definitely regret. I sated myself by trying to bore holes into the back of his head with my laser vision. (This same kid seriously bitched about getting slapped with a DUI ticket. His defense? “I didn’t have that much to drink. I felt fine to drive.” Sorry, buddy, but that’s not how that law works.)
Cell phones ring in class fairly regularly and most professors are champs at ignoring them. But this is not just disrespectful of the professor/lecturer/whomever, it’s incredibly disrespectful of your classmates. I know most of the kids I am in classes with don’t remember a time before computers, email, instant communication. This new fangled shit is great, but the world will continue to go ’round without you taking a call in class.
On to my actual rant.
I have a 9 am class. I am almost always the last person to arrive, just as the lecture is starting. I know this is disruptive and I try to be as ninja-like as possible; taking my jacket off in the hallway, opening my velcro bag before coming in, etc. I come in, sit down, and don’t say anything about it.
Today someone came in after I did. She was, in fact, 10-15 minutes late. Fine, whatever. She came in and got situated quietly. No one paid her any mind. Ten minutes later her cell phone rang. Loudly. With a personalized (and obnoxious) ringtone. She caught it early though, I mean she was digging for her phone before I noticed it was going off. But, then she tapped away at it. Apparently, not answering isn’t enough to let the caller know you are busy, now you must also send a text message with the reason why you cannot answer the phone. Really!?
Silly me, I assumed she silenced her phone at that point. Seems to be the smart route to me at least. Cut to 20 minutes later. Her phone starts ringing, loudly, again! WTH! Only this time, it’s out, on the desk next to her, so instead of only the people around her hearing it, everyone does.
I would say that I am at a loss for words, but obviously this is not the case.