Tonghts's the Night recording reports from the 15th July and the 17th July.
Tonight’s the Night - 15th July
So where to start.... the morning was pretty rubbish as I was seriously tired and couldn’t really find where I was meant to be going. Also I had a really unexpected problem, I couldn’t really understand people. I don’t hear a Scottish accent often so when it was spoken fast in conversation I found it really hard to pick up what people were saying to me lol.
Anyway, I got to BBC Scotland really early where there were already people queuing so I just joined the queue. While we were waiting I saw Gavin a couple of times wondering around the foyer area and generally around BBC Scotland. Matt was also wondering around the building, at one point he was in socks lol. He came over and chatted to us at as well.
Eventually about 3pm I finally got my blue wristband. I had quite an early number so I could get quite a good seat. Although there were a lot of red wristband people, these are people are have been invited by John, as well as family members of the people involved in the show. John’s Uncle and Aunt were there (I think it was his Dad’s brother and his wife) and quite a few friends of his.
John began by filming a few trailers for the series. The first one was hilarious as he decided that he was going to incorporate a spin into it. But it was only when he began filming it that it suddenly occurred to him that he wouldn’t be able to read the autocue and spin at the same time LOL. So he had to make sure that he knew what to say and that he was able to control his spin, bless him!! He had to film the first trailer about three times because they kept changing the words. Then as he began filming the second trailer he noticed that the stage manager was miming something to the hair and makeup people about John’s hair. He put on his shocked face and in a really cute whiny voice he said “what’s wrong with John’s hair?” He spun round so we could look at his hair and there was just a tiny bit of hair sticking up at the back.
I can’t remember how this came about but at one point the conversation turned to mince lol. John explained that he hates chilli con carne because when he was a child and they used to come back to Scotland they were always cooked chilli con carne by all the different people they visited and so he now dislikes it, and he’s not keen on mince LOL at this point he began walking around the stage in a camp fashion. He also told a story from Desperate Housewives where apparently they spent ages preparing for a scene with loads of stunts and stuff. They filmed it and then realised that they had forgotten to put film in the camera. John then joked that the cameraman was now cleaning the streets haha
John also asked us if we had any questions. Someone asked him what he would wish for. He answered that in the next few months some of his wishes and dreams would be coming true so we should prepare for that. I’m really not sure what this could be :/ He was also asked what his natural accent was. He answered the same way as usual by saying that they both were natural. And then one of the best moments of the filming happened, a boy of about 7/8 who was a son of one of the women performing suddenly shouted out to John “Just how old are you?” John’s face was so funny as he was trying not to laugh and pretending to look slightly offended. I was expecting him to say that he was 20 or something but he said “I’m 44, you don’t even have nearly enough fingers and toes to count up to that”
Also I’ll just quickly add here that whenever the camera was on John spoke in his usual American accent but as soon as the each bit of filming ended he spoke in his Scottish accent which was really interesting to see.
The first celeb guest was Sophie Ellis-Bexter, she sang her new song twice as the first time she wasn’t happy with it. She also muttered a bit about the fact that it was cold in the studio : / There was also the boy who is in Billy Elliot at the moment, his name was Scott lol Ruthie Henshaw was also there. Her and John chatted quite a lot while she was waiting on stage. John told one story about when they were in putting it together and were nicknamed the ‘one handers’ because he was able to whip her bra off with one hand. Ruthie had always asked him how he could have possibly learnt to do that, John replied that in his younger years he had had to pretend to be into the girl’s lol Also Beverly Knight was on the show, she was so lovely and smiley. John also fell in love with her Louis Vuitton shoes.
In terms of hits I can’t really remember which one was related to whom as they were all mixed up in the filming. One of them was in a call-centre where John rang up the subject of the hit with loads of different problems, the first time he rang when she asked for his name he said he was Gavin Barker which prompted a lot of laughing from us. He then rang again pretending that one of the dogs used in the catalogue was in fact his dog that had ran away lol. The woman was lovely and she went off to ask the manager if there was any way that it could be his dog. She came back and explained that they had got the dog from a breeder she asked if she could take down his first name (he did say John) and then his surname when he said Barrowman she went “not the John Barrowman though!” It was at this point that John revealed himself. Another hit involved a runaway bride who was pretending to have cold feet about getting married. The guy in the hit was really lovely and he really tried to help by talking to what he thought was the groom on the phone (it was obv really John). The third hit was in a theatre, John was pretending to be an usher who was serving drinks and stuff, but I can’t really remember a lot of this one, sorry L
John then had to film another trailer, during this one half of it was filmed in the dark and then at one point all the lights were meant to ping on. At first they wanted John to click when the lights came on but John made a bit of a fuss lol and insisted that he didn’t want to click, he wanted to do a fancy nod instead. So he they ran through it a few times and then John decided that in fact he didn’t like the nod and that he wanted click his fingers instead, John!!!
John was seriously cute with the kids that were there. No doubt that he would make an amazing Dad; he was just so lovely with them. There were other bits of random chat but nothing major. John wore two different suits throughout the evening, one with a green shirt and one with a purple shirt.
In terms of Scott, he wasn’t mentioned at all by name in the first recording but he was implied in stuff. At one point, I can’t remember why but John exclaimed at one point that it felt like ages since he had sex :D as Scott obviously wasn’t around. Lol, thanks John!! Also he mentioned that there was a wall in their Cardiff house that needed sorting out after being suddenly knocked down, Scott and his sledgehammer return!!
Yeah, so that was it for the first one: D it was a brilliant experience and John was just great all through the filming. Feel free to ask me any questions! : D
Tonight’s the Night - 17th July
John was just plain awesome during this recording, some of the things he was coming out with lol. It became clear why you had to be over 18 to attend the recording. They filmed different bits from four different shows so it was all a bit mixed up. He wore the same green and purple suits as before. Then he changed into a blue one for the compilation episode, then lastly a one with a pink shirt and the usual colour bit on the jacket, I have to say it looked horrible :/ it just clashed with everything and it screamed ‘gay!’ Apparently it was the costume designer’s idea though.
In terms of the hits I don’t remember them in that much detail. Craig Revel Horwood was there. They firstly filmed the bit where he is introduced to everyone. You’ll see when it’s on the tv, but Craig twirled on and launched himself at John. The first take they did the two of them just giggled loads and chatted away for ages. This of course meant that they were forced to do it again lol. Craig’s hit took place in a cafe where he was given instructions through a headset by John. It involved him ordering a sandwich and asking for all of the pips to be taken out of the tomatoes in it lol. The women’s reaction was classic.
There was also a vt with John pretending to be a London open air bus tour guide. He literally just began talking and the woman in the hit was like “That’s John Barrowman. I’m telling you that is definitely John Barrowman. Look at his face” John looked really shocked but he still carried on as the women still didn’t know that he was there for her. When he revealed himself she was like “I knew it was you. I said it was you. I would know your beautiful face anywhere” LOL I love her!!!
The third vid involved a girl, I really wish I could remember her name. She was with her family going to by a new tv, when they were in the shop they were meant to show a video that appeared to be John advertising a new cook show. Instead, and this was so funny, they accidently kept flashing the Tonight’s the Night logo up on some of the screens. I think the Mum saw them but luckily the girl was looking the other way lol. Also when the cookery video began to play only some of the screens worked, it was a mess really haha. Anyway John then appeared on the screen to reveal all. She eventually appeared to sing on the stage, it was decorated with lots of candles and chandeliers. As she started it was clear that she was going to be amazing. She really was stunning, her operatic voice was incredible. She received a standing ovation from everyone and there wasn’t a dry eye anywhere in the studio. John then came on and he could hardly speak, he was literally crying his eyes out as he was hugging her. It clearly really touched him and he knew that Tonight’s the Night was made for people like her. Even when she left the stage he was still really crying, he explained that the fact that the girls Grandmother had been there to watch her really got to him as he knew that his own Grandmother would have loved so much to see him perform on stage like that. Bless him! By this stage I was really crying, when John cry’s everyone cry’s you just can’t help it.
There was also a guy who was surprised by a massive van outside his house with a video of John on the side. He was a golf fan and so got to meet his golfing hero.
There were loads of gay jokes during this filming Lol. The most memorable was when John was pretending to do a tour of the stage and he went to stand in the ring on the left hand side of the stage. At one point there he nearly fell out of the ring and in true John fashion he said “wow I’ve never fallen out of a ring before” LOL We love you JOHN!!! John also came on at one point wearing high heels after a guy in the audience told him about his son that loved John and had began to wear heels around the house signing I am what I am. Haha. John did lots of cute little dancing in the heels. There was lots of other audience interaction including talk of John’s hair. A woman at the front really didn’t believe that John’s hair was really grey, he tried to explain to her about when he first began dying it but she still wasn’t convinced. So he made his way towards her and started to pretend to open up his trousers while saying “No, not really. If it turns grey down there then that will receive the dye as well” lol He also convinced an elderly woman in the audience to sing to us which was really sweet.
There were some negative things though. Firstly Johns announcement that there will NOT be a tour DVD this year. He said that it was simply because they didn’t have enough money for one. This is really sad for me as I love the tour DVDs. Also some girl in front of me at one point began whining to those around her about John receiving his doctorate. She was literally saying that he didn’t deserve to be given one because he hadn’t done enough and had not worked hard enough to be worthy of one. WTF!!!! I couldn't disagree more!! Am I the only one?
For my eastercats :D I took note of the Scott mentions. At the beginning John was introduced as Doctor John Barrowman, when he reached the stage he said “you know I got Scott to call me Doctor last week” :D they really do have a Doctor kink!! He then said something about having to monitor Scott’s heartbeat LOL . Also after the amazing opera girl had sung and John had finished crying John began talking about how he and one of the crew guys always cried at adverts and stuff, he said “so we both get labelled the two big Jessie’s. Although he’s married” then after a little pause and a smile he said “And so am I” awwww John actually said that he and Scott were married :D
John sang Hero and Katy Perry’s firework which was good J
Thats about all I can remember :/
Also John came down at the end and we chatted to him for a bit which was awesome :D
Any questions????