Sep 01, 2004 00:00
God. Why am I such an idiot. I used to be all parinoid and jealous and pathetic in relationships and I said I wouldn't go out with anyone until i was over it and the right person had come along. And suddenly now I'm with someone and I'm even worse than I used to be for fucks sake! And it's soooo bloody annoying because you know men, they just think nothings wrong and be all lazy and go out with mates and seem to ignore you being pissed off but really they dont ignore you they are too stupid to notice!! And then you tell them whats wrong and it's still like nothings wrong and everything goes on as normal and you're still so fucking annoyed!!!!!!! GR! Okay see what I mean I'm so horrible I'm not just parinoid but a complete bitch. Great.
Well. Hmm. Me and Jen got pissed again a few days ago but now she's gone on holiday again. I've forgotten what we did.... Probably tried to play yahtzee but only managed one game again or something. Oh yeah! We talked to her friend who is bi! She's quite pretty you know. Yes yes well well. Hmm. Then last night me and Mark got pissed and guess what exciting fun we got up to...!.... we ..erm..watched a film. grr. :( and we haven't even had sex yet. :o Omg and I got stoned for the first time in aaaaaaaaaages. -Well, since a few weeks ago when i had a few tokes off Jess's but it was crap- anyway i was sooooo fucked!!!!! And gues what I did? I sat in the baby bouncer!!! and omg guess what, I laid back and i was bouncing in it!! it was sooooo fun!!! I was pissin myself laughing omg i was just laid back bouncing on the baby bouncer!! twas soo funny. anyway i'm going on about it now aren't I. Hmm
Weeeeeeeell I better go now and be tired and PISSED off!! Because Jen is away on holiday til friday and Mark said he can only come over next on thrusday or friday which basically means friday coz he's done that like 3 times now he's said he'd come over some time n then either come round 4 hours later, not called at all :o :o :o, or has had to come round the next day. So he probably wont be over till saturday when I will be dragging jen over to be pissed. I hope mark can get some skunk and i hope jen has it with me coz that'd be even funnier than getting pissed but i dont think she will coz her boyfriend hates it or something. well he hates smoking i duno bout skunk. right i'm going now bye