Sep 09, 2005 13:46
The Dawgs play SC tomorrow. I want to wish GA a victory, partially cause I want them to win, but mostly for D's heart. :) His blood pressure raises to record heights during the game.
So, I had a doc appointment yesterday.
*My uterus measured 29'
*I'm 29 weeks, I thought I was 28 (oops :))
*I have 11 weeks left!!
*I got to feel Lilly's butt and so did D. The doc pushed down and felt it. So, we got to cause I asked :)
*Her heart rate is in the 150's
*I gained 10 pounds since my last visit. So, that's 18 total. I've never weighed this much in my life. And this is the only time in my life when I can say that it is a good thing.
*I am supposed to start monitoring fetal kick movements.
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH 11 weeks left. I remember being 11 weeks pregnant. 3 months. Crazy.