sun beams // panic!

May 16, 2007 22:45

sun beams
391 // G
for may 15th.
Panic gen
I enjoyed this prompt thoroughly. Hope you enjoy this as well. Un-betaed. Oops.

When he wakes up, he sees that the sun has washed itself over the blanket. Spencer smiles, softly, and turns over into the warm light. He peers over the side of the bed and spots Brendon lying in a heap on the hardwood floor, cocooned in soft pillows and an even softer blanket. Ryan lounges in an armchair across the room, sleepy baby breaths escaping from his parted lips. He hears Jon bustling about in the kitchen, but disregards the fact, instead burrowing into the spot the older man previously occupied. The sheets, warm from the sun, still smelled of Jon.

( They took to sleeping in the same room while recording in the cabin after Brendon crawled in bed with Jon the first night, complaining that the woods were too silent and it feels odd not moving on the road. )

Brendon tussles with the blanket upon waking up, not quite sure where it ends and begins again. Once he frees himself from his soft confines he pulls himself up onto the bed next to Spencer, still mostly asleep. He winds himself around Spencer's back, arms around the other's middle and tangles their legs together. Spencer relaxes back, revering in Brendon's quiet moment. He turns his head back to look at Brendon and his smile never leaves his face. Brendon smiles and presses a soft kiss to Spencer's shoulder blade before nuzzling into his spine.

Spencer feels Ryan before he sees him. Ryan runs the back of his hand across his turned cheek and slips in beside him, tapping his knuckles against Brendon's hip. The sun hasn't shifted yet and Spencer couldn't be happier, basking in its warmth. One thing seems to be missing though, but Spencer can hear him treading lightly into the room. When he looks up, Jon stands there, hip cocked to the side and tray in hand. Spencer can see two coffees on the old tray - probably for himself and Jon - a glass of orange juice for Brendon, and grape for Ryan. He lets himself smile again and motions for Jon to come closer. The tray sits on the table carelessly and Jon curls behind Ryan, murmuring lightly my boys, and reaches an arm to touch all three.

Spencer lets his eyes slip shut under the sun's rays. The day can wait for them.

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