WHO Christine and OPEN to CGM residents
WHAT Christine finally sees her window.
WHERE The CGM kitchen, though if you'd like another location within the mansion, just put it in your subject line and Chris will come there!
WHEN Tuesday the 21st
Christine had been in the City roughly a month )
Her eyes darted back to the fridge at his question, and she could plainly see him there, signing a PADD that Nurse Harrison handed him. Had anyone else asked her what was wrong, she wouldn't immediately spill out everything, but as this was Leonard, and he was in the damn holo or whatever it was, she wanted to tell him, even if he didn't know what to say to make her feel better. She reasoned she would feel somewhat better just letting it out.
In a shaky voice, she said, "I'm seeing things t-that aren't real, or that I hope aren't real in some universe out there." Christine tore her eyes away to look at him again, more closely this time, and now she noticed that he looked either tired or drunk. Possibly both. "Are you all right?" Leave it to Christine to worry about her boss when she was questioning her worth.
"Am I though? If I'd never existed, nothing would even be missing in your lives. My parents would be happier, the Enterprise would have a, a better..." Her voice faltered and she looked at the floor, unable to finish the sentence.
Coming over to him, she wrapped an arm around his back and pressed the other to his chest to steady him. "Thank, Leonard." She kissed him on the cheek, not caring if he would protest it, and added, "But just so I'm sure, you'd never make Nurse Harrison Head Nurse if anything were to happen to me, right?"
Quietly, he held up the bottle to her, an offering.
She took the bottle from him, knowing that an offer of booze from Leonard McCoy was like an embrace and an "Everything will be all right," from anybody else.
"Thanks. I think I need this right now. But what you need right now is a chair or something. Can I help you sit somewhere?"
"I'd heard some things on the Network about these screen things, but I didn't know what they were talking about until now." She sighed and looked at the bottle clutched in her hand. Hopefully alcohol would make her forget what she'd seen, or maybe Leonard could just say more nice things laced with profanity. She's take either.
"Couch?" she offered, making her way there, though it was just a courtesy. He was heavy and she was dumping him there whether he liked it or not.
"'S ok. Just need my arm back. And look: I didn't even spill any." Wiggling the bottle at him, she grinned proudly before reaching out and setting it on the coffee table.
"Say more nice things about me."
"Told you already," he said simply. "Best goddamned head nurse in the fleet. Wouldn't have asked for you otherwise."
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