Jun 09, 2004 10:12
Okay, I've heard of a lot of people talk about this live journal thing, so I decided I would give it a go. This is going to be my release about everything that bugs me, so just remember these are just rants, so don't take anything personally.
I just finished interim classes. I took Early English Literature. Sounds like fun doesn't it. It was not a bad class. It is just impossible for me to retain so much information in such a short period of time. I think I got a C--but then again, I'm afraid of checking...
...I just checked, C+. Back to the writing. I started this because I read somebody's, but I won't mention her name because I did not see my name on hers. Let's just say she eats mashed potatoes for dessert--or used to before her diet--I love you ;-)
Speaking of her diet. I do not believe in diets. I believe in eating in moderation and exercise. I also believe that if you're meant to be fat, then you're meant to be fat. People often joke around and say, "I'm not fat, I'm big-boned." That's true. Some people have fat frames. Too often, "experts" equate fat with unhealthy. That's not necessarily true. My uncle has heart disease and he's only about 150 lbs.
Now, let me talk about the Atkins diet and South Beach, and all this other low carb b.s. Why deny yourself of what you love? You're only going to live once. Eventually, you're going to want all of those things that you've given up or replace those cravings with something worse and you're going to gain your weight back.
My advise, eat right and exercise.
I guess that's enough for today. I hope I didn't offend anyone, that's not my intenetion. These are just my everyday rants about whatever I fell like.