Jun 24, 2005 14:47
OK, so I'm at home with ma mere in a small town somewhere along the Essex coast line, having flashbacks of teenagerdom in hell etc.. and I had two really peculiar dreams last night. The first was all i-kender's fault. He was directing a play and cast me in the leading role but whenever I looked at the script it didnt' make any sense whatsoever... sadly I cannot construct sentences when I'm unconscious. So, it got to opening night, the auditorium was filling up and we hadn't doen one rehearsal and I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing. Exit betelbrucke through the back and down the stairs, past all the extras and out of the stage door shouting 'I'm not doing it!' i-kender always turns up in film-esque/theatre dreams. But be an actor next time, NOT A CASTING DIRECTOR!
Secondly, I was in my home town standnig on the beach in my swimsuit, waiting patiently for an inflatible to become available. Lifeguards were handing them out, and all the little kids were getting some but the adult ones had gone. Then suddenly, lots of adults starting racing into the shore, along with lifeguards and abandoning their inflatables. I looked out over the waters to the nearest shore, and this tornado had turned the sky purple, smashed into a building which exploded. While this was going on someone in my head was playing a naff casio keyboard scale of minor to major ascending (not chromatic). Clearly spooked I turned round and ran in my swimsuit and animal rubber ring desperately seeking shelter.. Obviously this has something to do wtih not wanting to be in this town when the world ends.