Here is some -- just some -- of the crap I've been working on in oils. Mind you these are only about 5 of the 13 or so I have going all simultaneously. I'm never finished and always repainting them. I'm generally disappointed with 95% of my paintings as not living up to my potential.
I should judge my own work less severely given that I've been painting just a little over a year.
Evocation of the Arddu 36"x36" oil on canvas
The piece was done as a gift for a group of pagans/wiccans/et. al. modern primitives the day before their Samhaine ritual. From start to finish including the original sketch on canvas the piece was finished in a single sitting somewhere around ten hours. The largest and most quickly finished oil painting I've done to date.
Foci 24"x9.5" oil on scrap wood
~ 4 layers of sepia tinted glaze were applied over the original painting and then the whole piece was distressed with cloth for an experimental aging effect... I think it worked alright.
Ibis - Broken Gods 24"x36" oil on canvas
Remember this bitch... I decided not to reduce the canvas size and entirely repainted large sections. It's one of the ones I'm most happy with. This picture doesn't do her as much justice as she deserves because of the overhead lighting glare.
Give unto Caesar What Belongs to Caesar... 16"x16" oil on canvas
detail Killing the Gorgon with Children as Witness 24"x24" oil on distressed canvas
This image no longer exists... but I liked how this detail shot came out. The piece is being re-worked and re-titled to something less bloody (you can see the bloodiness in the teaser pic before the lj cut) as the Gorgon in question is modeled after my half-sister (q.v.)
That's it for now, kids. Comments are not only welcome but encouraged...