Apr 25, 2006 10:30
Body: WH O . W A S . T H E . L A S T . P E R S O N ..
1. You hung out with?: lauren
2. You rode in a car with?: andrea meagan jason and will
3. You watched a movie with?: brian
4. You went to the mall with?: andrea meagan......
5. You went to dinner with?: same again
6. You talked on the phone to?: dad
W O U L D . Y O U . R A T H E R?
1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: nose
2. Be serious or be funny?: funny
4. Die in a fire or drown: um anything but drown
D O . Y O U . P R E F E R.
1. Flowers or candy?: candy
2. Grey or black?: black
3. Color or Black and white photos?: depends on wgat the picture is
4. Hate or love?: love
5. Sunrise or sunset?: sunset.
6. M&M's or Skittles?: skittles
7. Staying up late or waking up early?: late
D O . Y O U . P R E F E R.
1. Sun or moon?: sun
2. Winter or Summer?: both
3. Left or right?: right
4. Sunny or rainy?: sunny
5. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: vanilla
A B O U T . Y O U!
1. what time is it?: 10:34
2. First name?: betsy
3. What do you want?: to go back to my dorm and sleep/ school to be over already
4. Where do you want to live?: not sure
5. How many kids do you want?: i dunno 2?
6. You want to get married?: yes
1. Nervous habit?: saying sorry
2. Are you double jointed?: nope
5. Can you cross your eyes?: no
6. Do you make your bed daily?: oh yeah
1. Which shoe goes on first?: which ever one is there
2. Have you ever straight out lied to the government?: i dont think so
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: twirl
2. Have you ever eaten Spam?: no
3. Favorite ice cream?: min chip
4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: nothing
5. Current mood?: tired
I N . T H E . L A S T . M O N T H . H A V E . Y O U.
1. gone out on a date?: no
2. Bought something: yes
3. Sang?: no
4. Been hugged: yes
5. Felt stupid: everyday where
6. Missed someone: sure
7. Got drunk: of course
8. Danced: prolly
9. Gotten your hair cut: yes
10. Cried: nah
cool that worked for like 23 seconds. um im waiting right now for my gayass advisor to get back so i can do my shit for next year which i was supposed to do last thursday. which is great cuz now im going to get shit next year. um only 3 more weeks of school. Thats pretty crazy. It really does not feel like i have been here for almost 9 months. Im going to be going crazy for the next 3 weeks. I have a shitload of papers and of course the HUGE bio paper that I have told myself I would start like 4 sundays ago. im screwed. Whateves in 3 weeks i'll be home and summer will be here :)
ok peace