i really need it to be this time tomorrow!

Feb 09, 2006 13:11

so this week went really fast. I have two test today,1 i already had which i almost missed cuz I woke up late. THen another one at 4:30. Then a stupid ass bio lab which is really going to suck. Staying in tonight to study for yet another test tomorrow. fun stuff. Im starting to really not like my schedule. On tuesdays and thursday's I have a 6 hour break where im always really bored and mondays and wensdays I have like no time. not to mention 3 out of 5 days I have class right in the middle of dinner. And I have class every mornig at 920 or 9:30. my fault for making it like this i guess.

and now even though i should be doing work:

1. Full name: Elizabeth rogan
2. Birthday: June 18th 1987
3. Location: Mineola NY
4. Where else have you lived: well now im at school
7. Shoe size: 7
8. Height: 5'3
9. Weight: like 125
10. Pets: none
11. Siblings: 3 brothers and 2 sisters
12. Eye color: hazel
13. Hair color: brown
14. Hair length: a little past my shoulders
15. Ever dyed your hair?: i've nope
17. Grade: freshmen in college
18. Are you good in school?: I can be
19. Hobbies: t.v computer hanging out
20. Nicknames: betsy, liz bets bet
21. What languages do you speak?: English
22. Do you play sports?: used to play softball
23. Where were you born?: Winthrop Hopsital in Mineola
24. Are you a night or a morning person?: night
25. Are you ticklish?: yeah
26. Do you believe in God?: sure
27. Do you have any other screen names?: no
29. Do you have braces?: yes
31. What do you want to be when you grow up?: not sure
32. What was the worst day of your life?: worst day ever wow-not sure
33. What is your most embarrassing story?: i have lots and most of them start with when i was drunk..
34. What has been the best day of your life?: everyday with my friends and people i like
35. What comes first in your life?: friends and family
36. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: not really
37. What are you most scared of?: dying and losing people
38. If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: back of my head
39. What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: how i have to wake up in like 7 hours
40. What do you regret the most?: lots of things
41. If you could do anything without consequences, what would you do?: that's a tough one

42. Movies: wedding crashers happy gilmore hp
43. Song: lots
44. Bands/group: lots like brand new/fall out boy/motion city
45. Store: AE pacsun
48. Vacation spot: somewhere mad nice
49. Ice cream flavor: mint chip
51. Candy: i like all candy
52. Car: my little shitmobile
54. Holiday: Christmas
55. Day of the week: thursday-sunday
56. Color: blue
58. Name for a girl: um i dunno
59. Name for a boy: colin or ryan
60. Sports team: yankees
61: Month: june
66. TV Show: boy meets world/real world and roads rules/degrassi
67. Web site: Myspace/facebook/ livejournal
68. Animal: dog/duck
70. Joke: sooooo many
71. Saying: cry about it call your mom long distance i dont care
74. Radio station: Z100
75. Room in your house: my room and the den
76. Concert you have been to: blink182
77. CD: everyone i have
79. Salad: dont eat salad
80. Meat: chesseburgers
82. State: conn...yeah fucking right NY
83. City: NY
88. Sound: music !
89. Taste: good food
90. Feeling: happy
92. Number: 4
94. Vacation spot: so where nice
97. Cereal: cinnamon toast cruch

98. Car: Hummers or those damn box cars
99. Color: brown
100. Teacher: gorman
101. Class: Math
102. Day of the week: Monday
103. Holiday: v day
104. Season: fall
105. Month: September
110. Movie: willy wonka
113. T.V. Show: room radiors
115. Food: shit that they serve here
116. Drink: milk
118. Male singer: idk. usher probably
119. Female singer: Avril Lavigne
120. Animal: cat
124. Joke: not funny ones
128. Radio station: z100 cuz they play the same songs
136. State: conn cuz everything closes
140. Place to be: class
141. Smell: cigarette smoke
142. Sound: fire alarms
143. Taste: bad food/beer
144. Feeling: sick
145. Letter: as in the alphabet? wtf Q
147. Book:most of what they make you read it school
148. Vacation spot: cold and stupid places
151. Cereal: ones with fruit in it

152. Had a serious talk?: no
153. Hugged someone?: yeah
154. Fought with a friend?: joking around
155. Cried?: no
156. Laughed?: of course
157. Made someone laugh?: i always do
158. Bought something?: yeah
159. Cut your hair?: nope
160. Felt stupid?: always
161. Talked to someone you love?: yes
162. Missed someone?: yes

163. Done drugs?: yes
164. Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: no
165. Been dumped?: no
166. Had someone be unfaithful to you?: no
169. Stayed home on Saturday night?: yeah
170. Been in love?: no
171. Seen the White House?: yes
172. Seen the Eiffel tower?: no
173. Tried smoking?: no
174. Drank alcohol?: yes
175. Smoked marijuana?: yes
176. Played Monopoly?: yes nana!
178. Seen Titanic?: who hasent
179. Kissed someone?: yes
182. Tried a weight loss program?: no
183. Jumped on a trampoline?: yes
184. Visited another country?: yes
185. Colored in a coloring book(and had fun)?: yes
186. Had a bubble bath?: yes
187. Been on a plane?: of course
188. Been on a boat?: yes
189. Been on a train?: yes
190. Been in a car accident?: yes
191. Ridden an elephant?: no
192. Made a web page?: no
193. Played with Barbies?: used to
194. Stayed up all night?: yes
195. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean?: yes
196. Broken a bone?: yes
197. Called a psychic or sex hotline?: no
198. Watched Jerry Springer?: yes
199. Gotten in trouble for talking in class?: yes
200. Been afraid of the dark?: Nope
201. Been in the hospital(not visiting)?: yes
202. Had stitches?: yes, in my forehead and in my foot
203. Dumped someone and regretted it?: nope
204. Went out with more than one person at a time?: no
205. Lied?: yes
206. Been arrested?: no
207. Fallen asleep in class?: yes
208. Used food for something other than to eat?: no
209. Met a celebrity?: yes
210. Broken the law?: i always am
211. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: no
212. Hated yourself?: yeah
213. Been brokenhearted?: not really
214. Broken someone’s heart?: dont think so
215. Wanted to kill someone?: jokingly
216. Fell off a chair?: yes
217. Lap danced?: no…
218. Been in a fist fight?: yes

220. Like to give hugs?: yes
221. Like to walk in the rain?: fuck the rain
222. Sleep with or without clothes on?: with
223. Prefer black or blue pens?: blue
224. Dress up on Halloween?:not really just the candy
225. Have a job?: sort of
226. Like to travel?: yeah
227. Like someone? Do they know? i dunno
228. Sleep on your side, tummy or back?: side
229. Think you’re attractive?: nope
230. Want to marry?: eventually
231. Have a goldfish?: no
232. Ever have the falling dream?: yeah
233. Have stuffed animals?: yes
234. Go on vacation?: yes

236. Do you like your handwriting: to small
237. If you could be anybody, who would you be and why: i dunno
239. Do you have any piercings: no
240. Any tattoos: no
243. Are you picky?: sometimes
245. What makes you mad: stupid people
246. What do you think of Eminem: hes alright
247. Who do you admire: not so much
248. Do you like cartoons: some
249. Do you believe in the devil? not really
250. What is the one place you have to visit before you die: Ireland
251. What did you do today: woke up, went to school, came home, on aim, going out later tonight
252. Where do you work: at the mall, and i babysit
253. Do you even have a job you lazy bum: yes
254. Are your parents lame: sometimes
256. Do you floss: no
257. What is the farthest your have traveled: ireland
259. What kind of shampoo do you use: Suave
260. What about conditioner: suave
262. When you get mad, do you swear a lot: i swear no matter what
263. Got milk: fuck milk
268. How many sheets are on your bed: 2
269. What’s under your bed: drawers
270. Do you have your own TV and VCR: no
273. Are you a good speller: nope
275. Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway: no idea
276. Do you like little kids: most of the time
281. Do you ever steal anything from hotels: haha yes

285. Abortion: depends
286. Bill Clinton: hes alright
287. Smoking: hell no
289. Rap: i have learned to deal with it
290. Jerry Springer: lucky
291. Suicide: sad
292. South Park: sometimes funny
293. Summer: so good
297. Drinking: um yeah its good times
298. Guys: mm yes
299. Girls: so are real bitches

300. Jennifer: Aniston- Friends
301. Leah: chrstine's friend
302. Megan: suitemate
303. Brandon: um noone
304. Christina: shithead
305. Angela: boy meets wor;d
306. Courtney: middle finger
307. Jeff: a comp
308. Mike: brother and pirate
309. Nikki: saxs
310. Ryan: ?
311. Lauren: crazy motherfucking things
312. Derek: best ra in the world
313. Lisa: old nasty bus driver
314. Kristi: ?
315. Matt: hugs
316. Holly: road rules
317. Jackie:
318. Caitlin: bob
319. Caroline: someone i knew as a youngster
320. Joseph: uncle
321. Jared: little jared
322. Patrick: newphew
323. Erin: used to live near me

333. Friends: I love them all
334. Best friend: all bitches at home
335. Spend most time with: people here at school
336. Best house: alycia
337. Funniest: christina lauren
338. Smartest: dunno
339. Hottest: none
340. Strongest: chirstina
341. Most athletic: christina or michele
342. Knows you the best: home people
343. Most outgoing: christina
344. Most shy: am?
345. Always negative: me?
347. Most trustworthy: i can trust them all
348. Most fun to be with: all of them
349. Biggest flirt: hmm
350. Best dressed: i dunno
351. Best eyes: think i look at that
353. One to gossip with: all of them
355. Who has the best room: alycia
356. Who follows you: they all want to be like me
357. Who do you follow: im my own person
358. Who do you pretend to like but can’t stand: wow all of them
359. Do you make friends easily: somtimes
360. Are you intimidated by any of your friends: not really
361. If you were stranded on a desert island then who, out of your friends, would you want to be there with you: i dunno
362. Who do you think would help you the most if you were in trouble: everybody
363. Who do you think would risk their life to save yours?:i think most of my friednds would
364: Who is the most popular?: IDK
365: Who is the most unpopular?: I don’t know…
366: Who do you want to go to college with: im with none from home and i like the ones im with
367. Who do you wish could be part of your family: i wish i could be in christina's family
368. Who is the biggest junk food junkie: prolly me
369. Who would do anything for 1 million bucks: christina or alycia
370. Who do you think has the nicest siblings: am or michelle
371. Who do you think has the nicest mom: michelle
372. Who do you think has the nicest dad: michelle or christina
373. Who do you have the most inside jokes with: all of them

374. Megan or Meghan: megan
375. Lacey or Lacy: Lacy
376. Steven or Stephen: Steven
377. Kurt or Curt: Kurt
378. Caryn or Karen: Karen
379. Mark or Marc: Mark
380. Brandi or Brandy: Brandy
381. Eric or Erik: Eric
382. Corrine or Carine: Corrine
383. Kari or Carrie: Carrie
384. Jackie or Jacqui: Jackie
385. Disarray or Desiree: Desiree
386. Jayde or Jade: Jade
387. Amy or Aimee: Amy
392. Geoffrey or Jeffrey: jeffery
393. Their or there: there
394. Two, too, or to: two
395. Here or hear: hear
396. Pierced nose or tongue?: nose
397. Be serious or funny?: I like funny
398. Single or taken?: single for now
399. Simple or complicated?: depends
400. Law or anarchy?: law
401. Mtv or vh1?: MYV
402. 7th heaven or Dawson’s creek?: 7th Heaven
403. Sugar or salt?: sugar
404. Silver or gold?: silver
405. Tongue or belly button ring?: tongue
406. Chocolate or flowers?: chocolate
407. Angels or miracles?: maracles
408. Color or black-and-white photos?: depends on the picture
409. Sunrise or sunset?: sunset
410. M&Ms or Skittles?: m&ms
411. Rap or rock?: rock
412. Stay up late or sleep in?: sleeping in
413. TV or radio?: TV
414. Hot or cold?: cold
415. Tall members of the opposite sex or short?: tall
416. Sun or moon?: Moon
417. What time is it?: 3:20
418. Diamond or ruby?: diamond
419. Left or right?: righty
420. 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend: 1 best friend
421. Vanilla or chocolate?: choc
422. Kids or not?: kids
423. Cat or dog?: dog
424. Half empty or half full?: half full
425. Mustard or ketchup?: ketchup
426. Newspaper or magazine?: magazine
427. Spring or fall?: spring
428. Give or receive?: receive
429. Rain or snow?: snow
431. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship?: lifetime of friendship
432. Happy or sad?: happy
436. McDonald’s or Burger King?: McDonald’s
438. Mexican or Italian food?: Italian
439. Lights on or off?: off
440. Duct tape or scotch tape?: duct tape
441. Candy or soda?: both
442. A house in the woods or the city?: city
443. Pepsi or coke?: Coke
444. Nike or Adidas?: Nike

501. First grade teacher's name: Mrs. b
502. Last word you said: out
503. Last song you sang: rent
504. Last meal you ate: pasta
505. Favorite childhood cartoon: doug
506. What did you hate most about school: work
507. Last person you flipped off: lauren
508. Last song stuck in your head: i would walk 500 miles
509. What line/verse: same
510. Last time you were burned: burned?
511. How: oh when i went to st thomas
512. Last time you bled: the other day
513. Favorite game show as a child: life

514. What's in your cd player: summer mix
515. What color sox are you wearing: two differnt kinds both white
517. What's the weather like: sunny cold as fuck
518. What is on your wall: pics of people
519. What time did you wake up today: 9:16 class at 9:20
520. Did you think it was earlier, later, or on time: earlier

521. Who do you want to marry: no idea now
522. Are you going to college: there
523. If so, how long do you want to go: 4 years
524. Gone gone gone! No question here! It was trampled by a large purple carrot with a green sombrero and pink bunny slippers.: Huh?
526. Where are you going to live: no idea yet
257. How many kids do you want: at least 2
530. Where do you want your honeymoon: somewhere nice
531. What kind of car will you have: nice one
532. What kind of house will you have: big one

542. A laptop: im on one
543. A mismatched person: highschool
545. A girl with spiked hair: highschool
546. A guy with spiked hair: what ever that kids name was eric?
547. A tree with no leaves: winter
548. A couch with a sheet over it: old people
549. Ronnie: kid in one of my classes
551. A guy wearing a necklace: ok
553. A mall: shopping
558. Saved by the bell: so good
559. Boy meets world: holy shit best show ever
560. Beverly hills 90210: my sister loves it
561. A stereo system: one in the next room
562. A gun: shooting
563. Someone shout out I’m eating peanuts!!!: baseball
564. Someone shout out I have to pee!!?: me
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