What do you think will be the repercussion of "The Wedding of River Song?" for the long term of Doctor Who?
How do you think the Doctor being married will affect the series? In the long run?
Will they at some point have to "undo" him being married in order to move the series forward? Will they just say that Time Lords only marry one incarnation, so it was actually only 11 who was married to River? Will River join the Tardis full time as his wife? What happens when Alex Kingston stops playing River? Will they get a new actress to play her? Or will they "Write the character out?" with the Singing Towers being their last meeting or something else? If so, how will the Doctor being a "widower" again affect the show?
How will the Doctor being married affect the Doctor's relationships with his Companions? Is the Doctor being married something they can sustain indefinitely?
What do you think? Whether or not you like River herself, how does having the Doctor be a married man affect Doctor Who?