Ganked from Wendymr and lindenharp.
Pick 12 characters from any fandoms and list them before you read the questions that follow.
Here are mine, not listed alphabetically.
1. 11th Doctor
2. River Song
3. Miles Vorkosigan
4. Harry Potter
5. Ace
6. Captain America
7. Batman
8. Luke Skywalker
9. Chewbacca
10. C3P0
11. Marvin the Martian
12 Donna
The questions below ask what would happen if these characters were used in the questions.
Have you ever read a 6 and 11 fic?
No, but it would be hysterical! Captain America and Marvin the Martian? I'm dying!
Do you think 4 is hot?
Harry Potter
No, too young. Nice kid though.
What would happen if 12 got 8 pregnant?
If Donna got Luke Skywalker pregnant? Aside from the anatomical problems, that would be one cool kid!
Can you rec any fics about 9?
Darn, the only one I know is one of mine which made me put him on the list -
Movie Date Would 2 and 6 make a good couple?
Yes! At least, River would certainly put the moves on him. "Captain America, ooh, yum." LOL! ("Uh, ma'am, could you please stop looking at me like that?") :D
Would 5 and 9?
Ace and Chewbacca? LOL! Maybe not a great blind date, but I bet they'd end up great friends. He with his crossbow and her with her nitro nine would ensure an explosive friendship. :D
Would 5 and 10?
Ace and C3P0? She'd either blow him up, dismantle him, or hire him as a butler for her the the Doctor, to make tea.
Make up a summary for a 3/10 fic.
Miles Vorkosigan and C3P0. Miles rewires C3P0 to act as an undercover spy, a true "mole" who does not know it contains that programming until it activates. Probably to bring down one of the Houses on Jackson's Hole.
Is there any such thing as 1/8 fluff?
11th Doctor, Luke Skywalker fluff? Probably. There is one really great picture someone painted of
11 trying out Luke's lightsaber and flying practice drone in the Millenium Falcon. They look like they're having a great time.
Suggest a title for a 7/12 hurt/comfort fic.
Batman and Donna.
"Secret Identities: Some are More Secret Than Others".
He lost his parents, she lost her mind.
What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted Four to deflower One?
Harry Potter, 11th Doctor
Not into slash, sorry. Although I could see Harry waving his wand and yelling, "Defoliate!"
Does anyone on your flist read Seven slash?
I would be surprised if not.
Does anyone on your flist read Three het?
Miles Vorkosigan
Almost certainly.
Does anyone on your flist write or draw Eleven?
Marvin the Martian
Well, I made a brief mention of him in a story,
New York to Leadworth. And if anyone else does, or draws him, I'd like to see it.
What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion?
"My circuits are melting!"
If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, which song would you choose?
Luke Skywalker
"Livin' in Desperate Times" (Which, oddly, when I looked up the lyrics, fits perfectly.)
If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warnings be?
11th Doctor/Captain America/Donna
"Don't, just don't." (On Donna seeing the Captain.) LOL
(Although, I do think a fic with the three of them would be AWESOME! [Not a sexy fic, but a friendship/adventure one.])
What might be a good pick up line for Two to use on Ten?
River Song, C3P0
(ROFL! I'm dying of laughter here! This is just too perfect.)
"I've dated androids."
What was the last time you read fic about Five?
Oh, good grief. A couple of years ago now. "Double Crossing" by Jessa L'Rynn. (Although I've written a couple of short
Ace fics more recently.)
What is Six's super-sekrit kink?
Captain America
Kink doesn't really fit his image. But I'd say stroking his loved one with a feather, or having her stroke him with one.
Would Eleven shag Nine? Drunk or sober?
(You do realize, to a Doctor Who fan, some of these questions sound really strange.)
Marvin the Martian and Chewbacca
God knows. But you can never tell with Marvin.
If Three and Seven get together, who tops?
Miles Vorkosigan and Batman
Uh. I'm going to go the non-sexual route with that question and say they're both tops and any villain who went up against the two of them working together would be an idiot.
How would you feel if Seven/Eight was canon?
Batman and Luke Skywalker
I feel Han Solo would have been rescued much sooner if Luke and Batman were working together.