Fan Fix for the Doctor's Behavior in Crimson Horror and Nightmare in Silver

Nov 05, 2013 00:36

It has bugged me very much how the Doctor started behaving toward his female friends in Crimson Horror and later in Nightmare in Silver.

First, he kisses Jenny and gets slapped for it, then not a few minutes later gets a "sonic boner" over Jenny wearing a leather catsuit (this only minutes after she'd slapped him in the jaw for unacceptable behavior.)

Then, in the next episode, at the end of Nightmare in Silver, we actually see the Doctor daydreaming about Clara's "tight skirt."

All of this behavior was very out of character for the Doctor, and very distasteful to me for his character.

So I decided my way to explain it away (because frankly, I don't want to think this was normal behavior for the Doctor) is that whatever that red goop they dropped him into in Crimson Horror was, must have played hell with his hormones.

And it hadn't quite worn off yet in Nightmare in Silver.

Hopefully it's worn off now.

(So if his behavior bothered anyone else, maybe this "explanation" will help. What do you think?)
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