Nominate Your Favorite Stories for a Fan Fiction Award!

Aug 15, 2013 20:55

" No Rest for the Wicked Awards" is accepting nominations for fanfiction awards!

If you've enjoyed my stories over the past few years, please consider nominating your favorites. If nothing else, there's a category for "Best Romance/Fluff" and "Best Drabble" where I must have something worth nominating.

And if not me, nominate your favorite stories and artworks and videos from whoever made something that brightened you life. Fan writers and artists don't get any reward for their work, so this is a good way to show your appreciation.

Read more here - wicked_awards

This is a multi-fandom award with many categories, for a full list, description and rules go here.

If you want to nominate any of my stories, I've included the nomination form below (already filled out with my info and the password, but you can erase those and use this form for anyone. I'm not trying to stack the deck, it's not fun to win something without competition. But, hey! It's my post, so I'm gonna put my name in. :D)

Just fill in the blanks and the particular story you want to nominate. You can nominate however many you want. A full list of my stories is HERE.

Categories that my stories fit into are: Best Drabble (short story 100-600 words), Best Romance/Fluff (601-16,000 words), Best Gen (601 - 15,999 words).

Nominations Form:

Your Name:  __________
Your email:  ___________
Password:  "I guess we are stronger as a family."
Artist/Author's Name:  betawho
Artist/Author's Email:  (Livejournal Inbox)
Title:  ________________
Fandom/Pairing:  Doctor Who
URL:  _____________________________
Categories: ______________

Just copy and fill out the form above and cut and paste it into the comments field at the nominations post here.


Even if you don't feel like nominating any of my stories, there are other writers and artists who would be thrilled to be nominated.  Show them how much you love their work. Even if they don't win, it's still an amazing feeling to get an official email saying someone enjoyed your stuff enough to nominate you.

Get nominating! There's no limit to how many nominations you can submit.

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