Title: I Can't Take Him Anywhere
Author: betawho
Rating: G
Characters: 10th Doctor, River Song, Amy, Rory
Words: 256
Summary: Timelines can be so confusing...
Rory lay in the hammock in their back garden, swinging one foot, idly watching Amy plant peonies. Strangely enough, gardening seemed to be something she enjoyed.
There was a rustle of wind, and the
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Comments 6
Priceless! Hahahaha! I so love your knack for putting the Doctor - no matter which incarnation - in fun little situations. Oh, wonderful! Can I perhaps prompt you to write the follow up piece on Asgard?
(I've been useless at keeping up with your fic as RL is eating me alive. But I'm glad I made time for this one. <3)
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