Another day, another post--

Aug 04, 2009 01:41

Although I've never blogged about an episode before (mostly partly because of its sheer difficulty to get decent pictures) I feel this one's obligatory since my favourite character has appeared AT LAST.

Yes he is sexy don' t deny it - where's Sweden when you need him?! >0<

The subbed episode hasn't come out yet (but I will torrent it the moment it does! \(>0<)/ ) but since they're using the usual axis-powers-stranded-on-the-beach scene I can get the gist of the meaning of the beginning of the episode. A~nyways, the 2 are stranded on a beach and Italy suggests something about Christmas - it has been mentioned in one of Himaruya's comic posts before so I'm guessing Italy was saying whatever the manga version was saying. Then the Allied powers appear and - as usual - America summons his lead Pokemon.

Despite watching these scenes again and again, I can't help anticipating China''s cute appearance. <3

Just when the Axis are on the brink of losing, something - as usual - interrupts.

Somebody this way comes~

They say stuff I don't understand, but I know Japan's glad for the food he got as a present, and China for his kitty doll--

Listen to China's voice at this moment. It's like - so overwhelmingly cute 0__0

Yes. pr0n.

And Germany for his stock. >D Though I must say, it's more revealed in the anime than in the manga version - I was just reading the strip when "wait, was that pr0n written as Germany's Christmas present? 0__0" Back to the story, America says something I don't understand, and strangely, his voice sounds NORMAL. But it might have been my hearing, listening to the England Character CD track a number of times.

And yet again, magic and sexy and cute merged into one. <3 (Sweden come soon @__@)

I don't mind his brown and wrongly-coloured eyes though. Brown eyes are cute also. X3 Lithuania's wrong hair-colour choice was worse =P He says stuff I don't understand (I need to get the subbed version orz) but I think he mentions about peace and everybody's feelings. Flashes on everyone's reaction to his words (I just realised there are a LOT of blue eyes XD)

And the Santa bids farewell to meet Su-san

I'm sure he said something that was not Japanese before he went but I just can't get my finger on it. @__@ But I love the way he says 'moi moi'. Moi moi~

Unfortunately, despite the strange ending it is NOT Christmas, and nowhere NEAR it, so the mood was a bit off. But if they did show this at Christmas my wait for Sweden & Finland would've been depressing. -_-III Also, many people were wondering why they reverted to Italy's Marukaite Chikyuu instead of Germany's :-/

- I googled afterwards for his seiyuu (after failing miserably trying to read manually) and found out Finland is voiced by Takahiro Mizushima. Which is a seiyuu I do not know except for Guinble (TTGL) which was well... But my SuFin fangirl instincts say that he (and Sweden <333) will make another appearance soon...

... it was a Christmas tree.

hetalia, nordic countries

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