Feb 17, 2006 08:53
So there's this theory that if you gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, one of them will use it to type out the collected works of Shakespeare.
The theory says more about the nature of infinity than about the nature of simians. Researchers somewhere, in what they call "performance art" rather than, you know, "research," put a personal computer into a monkey habitat in a zoo. The monkeys responded at first by attacking the monitor with rocks and sticks, then by defecating and urinating on the keyboard. Eventually, however, the monkeys realized the correlation between pressing buttons on the keyboard and changes on the monitor. In the end, they produced five pages of typed material, but it was mostly the letter "s," with a few "j"'s, "a"'s, and "l"'s mixed in in the final two pages.