My wife and I did not finish NaNoWriMo. I will probably continue my story another time - I'm kind of interested in it considering it was made up on the spot. My wife reached a block and I didn't want to surge on ahead without her, so I stopped.
We purchased a 6' tree and Christmas Cards to send out for this year because we felt that not celebrating Christmas was a bad idea. More accurately, we thought not celebrating anything ever (beyond having a few friends come over and maybe have a meal at a restaurant) was insufficient. We thought if we were going to celebrate one holiday, Christmas was a damned good idea.
We have been playing more and more World of WarCraft and purchased DDR Supernova, FF12, and Drakengard 2 recently. These have been keeping us busy. My ability at DDR still climbs, though not nearly as quickly as it initially did. The hardest songs are coming within sight as possible at the highest difficulty. I need to practise some more.
It's almost official. My work may be hiring for two technical supervisor positions in my contract. I'm updating my resume for the first time in two years.
Since everyone else is doing it:
My schedule has officially been modified. We are now on a sixteen week (eight schedule, two weeks to a schedule) rotation:
Last week and the coming week: M-F 0730 to 1530 (Sn, St off)
Following blocks:
(2006/12/17 - 2006/12/30) Sn-W, St 0800 - 1600 (Th-F off)
(2006/12/31 - 2007/01/13) M-F, 1530 - 2330 (Sn, St off)
(2007/01/14 - 2007/01/27) Sn-M, Th-St 1500 - 2300 (Tu-W off)
(2007/01/28 - 2007/02/10) M-F, 1530 - 2330 (Sn, St off)
(2007/02/11 - 2007/02/24) Sn-M, Th-St 1500 - 2300 (Tu-W off)
(2007/02/25 - 2007/03/10) M-F, 1500 - 2300 (Sn, St off)
(2007/03/11 - 2007/03/24) Sn-M, Th-St 1500 - 2300 (Tu-W off)
Then this repeats provided I remain in chats and the schedule does not change again.