Sep 26, 2008 13:38
Well the debate just happened and you know I have to say something about this one! Whether you are living in a cave or just don't read my many friends do I have on LJ? Not one fucking comment on any of my postings and the problem is I'm a cool bastard! You know I am, I should not have to be telling you this.
Each time you don't comment me it's a shot in the foot, because I always write back and I always will have something interesting to say...or even better... learn something from my friends.
Now I know gas prices are driving to my LJ comment listing while on your friend's page is an expensive detour, but hey! I'm fucking worth it! Just ask yourselves, you know the answer is fuck! He is so right, What was I thinking???
For all you no commenting, but still very loved friends of mine (I only have friends who I give a shit about on here!) I bring you...
DEBATE Oh-Ate!!!
The Topic:
Economics!!! That's right ladies and gentlemen, economics with a side of 'How do you pay for a $700,000,000,000 side of fries?!'. What a great debate...oops did I say debate? More like what a great ass kicking McCain got over and over and over and over again.
I'm sorry the mud-slinging does not work so well when your opponent is in front of you John! It might have helped if you looked at his eyes and not the shit stains on your shoes.
Seriously I think John "The Turtle-Lizard King" McCain shit himself! His opponent a... as John would say..."colored" man, spanked his white aristocratic ass from here to Pakistan! All that was left was a McShame with a stupid smile that never left his face, rosy cheeks and I think I saw a little drool.
Obama, I'm not one of those bandwagon riding sons of bitches...but my friend you were sexy out there tonight! Hmmm...I never thought seeing an old, white, lizardy man getting spanked liked that would make me so hot! But Obama...seeing a Republican scared like that will give me wet dreams for months and hopefully eight years. The debate went something like this (If you are on another planet or are a Mexican in a laundromat and did not watch)...Issue (Economics)...McCain - "I was in the war" or some other old story from old people. Issue...Obama - "I want less taxes for the middle classes, universal healthcare and to rebuild the infrastructure.". Issue (Bailout)...McCain - " I was in the war, a prisoner!" (Which means he surrendered) and "Reagan is fucking awesome!". Issue...Obama - "Does anyone else think this guy looks like a mix between a turtle and a lizard?". Issue (War)...McCain - "Even though I was a little bitch and surrendered I still love sending other decent men to suffer what I went through!". Issue...Obama - "Damn! I think this cracker lost his fuckin' reptilian mind! Yo! We all know this mothafuckas what thou wilt!". That was the way I saw it at least! This is David Caldwell, signing off. COMMENT BITCHES I'M LONELY!!!! JK ;)...but I would love to hear some feedback.