Stuff that's happened since the last post:
* Finished recovery from my surgery.
* Activated my left implant. Got new devices for both. Started using it 2-3 hours a day.
* Had many wonderful dates with an awesome girl; we became very close but I got dumped on April 10th for reasons not worth mentioning here.
* Got upset about that for a few days, then evaluated the situation and decided it was no longer worth holding any grudges. Towards anyone.
* Decided to accept others' decisions as having happened for a reason (not just hers).
* Several coworkers quit; I am now the most senior engineer on my team and have been for almost a month.
* Despite the deteriorating morale and decreasing manpower, I am intent on meeting our schedule and picking up the slack. So far so good on an end-of-May deadline.
* Finished my first pottery class. Pics of my first pieces are
* Discovered that I really like sushi. Increased guacamole intake.
* Submitted a new W-4 with 6 allowances that should leave me with a modest refund of $350.
* Received $600 from the U.S. Treasury to send to China courtesy of H.R. 5140.
* Prepared for departure of my roommate, who is moving to Iowa early next month.
* Researched renting a small apartment with similar amenities to my house; decided it was not worth the relatively low cost savings.
* Installed Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows on my Mac via Boot Camp and VMware Fusion. My Mac is now practically the only computer I use at home.
* Lori moved to Southern California. I wish she was still here.
* Made up with Laura and hung out with her yesterday. She's still not available anywhere near as much as I'd like.
* Flew a Cessna 172N for 30 seconds and almost caused a stall at 1500' AGL by pitching up and banking right at the same time. PIC recovered; flew KLMO-KGXY on an out-and-back lunch trip using rwys 11, 16, 27, & 11.
* Started going to the gym again and got my first haircut in 2 months; both due to the surgery.
* Hung out with my brother; we video chatted with our parents on Mother's Day.
* Aggravated Tom by accusing him of having homosexual tendencies.
* Discovered
QC. It is made of win.
On less personal notes:
* Obama overtook Clinton in the superdelegate race.
* Delta Air Lines made an official bid to buy out Northwest Airlines.
* Frontier Airlines filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
* Myanmar was attacked by a cyclone that's probably killed at least 100,000 people.
* China was attacked by a 7.9 earthquake that's probably killed at least 10,000 people.
* Reports indicate that Q1 2008 US GDP still grew at a rate of 0.6%, defying all screams of "recession" that are going around.
* Bambi paid off her car, Alissa got a new car, and Juli got a job.