May 27, 2005 01:30
So I just got back from the preview of "Serenity" with Jeff, Nick, Sarah, Antonio, and John, (also Jeff's dad). It was the awesomest. For those of you who don't know (and care) Serenity is the movie based on the short lived series "Firefly" *rantraverantrantrave* AMAZING!!! everyone go see it asap.
Jeff dropped me off at home after, and I was worried he was going to panic going up my street (mostly I just worried he wouldn't stay on the road...of doom). I had way more fun than I've had in a long time. It was great to see everyone again.
Also Happy Birthday to Jeff and Nick who don't read this, because I feel like typing it (do I need a real reason?--No).
I'm congestied and I need to get my highschool transcript to prove to my school that I've taken Algebra 1, because they don't care I'm done with calculus on their campus....meh