Dec 29, 2006 23:48
I am home.
And it's really weird.
Really really happy to be here, still a bit worn out from the flying.
Something has got to be done about my flying anxiety. Fucking Washington-Reagan can kiss my butt. One of the most dull airports I've have to spend large amounts of time in, plus it's in first place for panic inducing momenment. Philedelphia is a very close second on that one. But seriously, I'm afraid if I have another big one, I'm just going to get conditioned in to be anxious every time I fly and being a total crazy person about it.
Jack will be here on Sunday, and he'll be flying back with me so I think with a little support (and a trip to the doc's on Wednesday) I'll be all set to fly out the 5th.
There are so many really small (and really big) differences about being in the house with my parents separated, some that I didn't expect. I've been doing a lot of dancing around certain topics because I don't feel like asking questions. I don't want to. It is what it is.
The weather is FUCKING GORGEOUS. For those I'm reporting to who are far away, it's been in the 70's or so and it's really lovely. (It also doesn't get dark until around 6) The weather has done a wonder for making the uncertainty of being home more bearable.