to be continued.

Nov 06, 2006 08:11

over the summer i started compiling a list of things that really bother me and things i really just hate in general. you know, the type of thing i could see happening on the street that would squinch my face into an immediate glare. i'm good at glaring, and i'm good at not liking things. however, i lost that list and am now making a new one. yes, folks...right here.
i'm going to call it a list of


songs on myspace pages
cell phones (mostly dropped calls)
not standing up for yourself
burping in public
not using common courtesy (such as if you burp really loudly, not saying excuse me...i find it gross that people don't think burping is gross enough to warrant an 'excuse me' but somehow other things are?)
buying animals from pet stores/pet stores in general (please adopt)
breeding animals or animals that have been bred (chihuahas, pugs, teacup dogs, etc)
children anywhere near me
dirty jokes
juice that is not 100% (why even make it? who's buying this junk??)
people who don't take advantage of obvious bargains (i.e. no coupons, not buying things on sale, etc.)
vanilla candles
death lurking over my shoulder
talking in a baby voice
comedians and/or comedy movies (most, not all)
laughing every five seconds during a movie
high movie ticket prices
greeting cards that are not under $1.00
online abbreviations
the position of money on the scale of importance
reality television
driving at night or in the rain
saying the word "like" as every other word
panic! at the disco, fallout boy, my chemical romance
spin magazine
teenage sluts
degrading music
dishes in the sink

to be continued.
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