Oct 04, 2006 22:30
i just had a whole lot of kevin for a long time. many moons! unfortunately no trip to north adams is complete without some sort of mishap, which was his car breaking down in northampton and me having to drive there pretty late at night. oh wellll it was fun and max came to visit, too. one big slumberiffic party!
we all had a grand time at a fake harvest festival in readsboro (it was actually real but not nearly as good as this weekend's is going to be!!!!) and gallavanting around a creepy/cool/leafy place.
busy busy busy this week and next and the next and etc. so many posters so many banners so many bulletins so many events so many etcs!
but! nicole's big birthday is saturday, i'm eating PIZZA with matt damon and some other characters this weekend, harvest fest is sunday, then midnight madness, family weekend, freak week, halloweeeeen!
the 'stro is going in for minor surgery if it can make it back to enfield this weekend.
my parents and grandparents are in MAINE right now at ze beach and i'm jealous JEALOUS! i love the sea and the sea probably doesn't love me because i used to pee in it.
go to harvest fest because: pocketlady/reggiesgianttwodaytagsale/booksale/usedclothingsale/butternutsquashsoup/delicious/delightful/fall/fun.
p.s. cheer up to my sad pals.
p.p.s. congrats and yahoo to my happy pals.