Sorry, time keeps slipping away from me. I'm almost too busy too handle. But I can do this - just one of the things cut in the process is lj, tumblr, twitter, etc. I don't have much time to be online anymore :( So sorry I haven't been around and been a better lj friend. meh.
Anyway, my head has a million thoughts in it but I'll share a few.
Work is getting better, I guess. Some days are good, others I'm no better than a newbie. I've gotten a few very positive comments, but then other times I feel everything I'm doing is wrong. And we have our speed test coming up; we have to make a ft ham with cheese and all the toppings, cut wrapped and bagged in under 2 minutes. Or we're fired, no leeway at all. I know for sure I can do that, it's just the pressure of "my job is on the line" where I get worried. My manager was like, "did you see the notice about the test?" I said yeah, I know I can do it but I hope under pressure I don't slip up (we get seconds added for sloppiness, too). He said it's not like everyone will be watching and he thinks everyone with experience will have no problem, so. As long as he knows I'll make it, I'm not going to worry too much about losing my job. He did ask me to cover a shift the other day, and to stay later the day before. I don't think he'd do that if I wasn't doing good. God, I'd just love some straight-up positive affirmation, though.
Okay, the other major, school. I think I'm underestimating just how much work I have, because I stupidly left a lot of it until oh, 2 hours before my class started? And I had to run to my classroom and got there in 9 minutes which is BOOKING it. I was still late, and was like drenched in sweat and missed a few handouts and whatever. I HATE being that person. I need to be more on top of this! Plus my discussion lacked cause I was so underprepared, which is such a huge part of class.
Anyway, this week is my presentation, eek! I have to make sure to not approach it as "BIG SCARY PRESENTATION" and more just "leading the class discussion" which is more what it is, but oh man last week I choked and lost my train of thought and kept saying "also" over and over, it was humiliating. If I just fill my head with what I'm saying and not with thoughts of all the eyes on me, and keep it conversational, I think I'll be okay. I was supposed to email my teacher last night with my discussion questions, but I fell asleep on my hmwk so I woke this morning at 9 and just worked for the last 3 hours on them and apologized for getting them to her late. Buuuttt, by wednesday I still have my short story due, 2 novels to read, my tech editing assignment, and 2 workshop stories to critique. Yeah, I'm going to the library the second I finish this. Like I said, almost too busy to handle. But I got this. Gotta stay focused.
Other things:
first UCF football game was last saturday, it was fun! Went with cody and her friend Moul, and they were fun to hang with. Yay friends!! Anyway,
the band!
go knights!
I kept wanting to tomahawk chop though or something. miss the noles! sorry ucf though, you don't compare.
haha thanks dudes. those girls were kind of annoying the whole game though.
touchdown! we won, but just barely.
whoo victory!
And I finally took some pictures of my room:
kind of boring right now, but it'll get there.
the bookshelf is the best, though
dvd/cd rack. and skateboard lol
this is seriously our "leisure" pool next to the gym, free for students. it's so awesome.
the front/side of our house. I'll make sure to get some pics of the rest of my house up, it's nice.
Also, I've fallen deeply in love with
A Very Potter Musical. "Get back to Hogwarts" has been in my head for days, and I've been e-stalking
Darren Criss online. Fandom always prevents me from real life work, I tell ya.
My roommates wanted to see the new Tyler Perry movie last night, so I went with them. Man did I cry! Did not think it would hit me that hard. It was better done than I thought it'd be, actually.
Oh yeah, I have a very funny and awkward story about my adventure into downtown orlando last wednesday night. I shall share that tale later, it deserves it's own entry, and I may need your input on what to do. more on that later.