I don't know what's going on in this house, but I had TWO roaches crawl on me today. wtf. All of a sudden, they're everywhere. ughhhhh the worst feeling ever is feeling something go across your foot, and having your worst fear realized. :(
Anyway, I didn't end up doing much on Halloween - I had to cover work for someone and close :( But it was okay, jon and I got hot chocolates and candy but there was a huuuuuge rush at 10pm; I guess ppl go get subway after trick or treating? But afterwards I went and drank at Tera's (tried hitting up 2 other parties, but it didn't work out).
Then the next day I went to the fair! It was fun! I only had a few hours of sleep and was a bit hungover and the rides made me a bit nauseous. We got chinese after and that helped, but then I went home and slept, before I went out to a party with my brother. It kind of sucked, and the people were lame, I pretty much sat by myself by the fire. Then Jon called and said we were hanging out, no questions asked haha. I like hanging out with him, but strickly as friends, and people have been telling me that he really, really likes me. So it's weird, cause I don't want to lead him on :\
Yesterday I helped my sister move into her house - her house with her boyfriend \O/ They've only been dating 3 months, so it's weird that they got a house together. I don't know. But I helped her decorate and it's really nice, but I don't know if I want to move into her room. I kind of like my back corner room.
I feel so lazy; I haven't started studying yet or writing to nano yet or anything :( Instead, last night I watched the first few episodes of season 2 of Gossip Girl, omg. this chuck bass crush is ridiculous. I mean, it is now affecting my new lj layout:
bestthingaround. Kinda love the header I made, ngl.
I think I'm going to post weekly updates of my nanowrimo and clips and stuff. Please,
add me! Let's encourage each other!
I've been so excited for November for so long. I've got panic concert, twilight, nano, tomb raider underworld, quantum of solace, gre taking, thanksgiving, etc. I need to let my head feel good, it's been a bit tangled lately.
I've still got this massive picture post in the works, I'll get to it eventually :D