Oct 21, 2004 20:47
v. pro·cras·ti·nat·ed, pro·cras·ti·nat·ing, pro·cras·ti·nates
v. intr.
To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
yeah, that's me. haha. not studying for ap us. still haven't studied for italian, or spanish. i am a mess. anyway, today wasn't bad. i had pictures 7th period. my hair stayed in tact, thank god. i didn't look to good though, at least in my opinion. who knows, i'll have to see when they come out if they are good or not. everyone looked nice and good. so funny, to come into school and you have people all dressed up and looking good for one day and then they go back to their messy hair and sweats. i just find it funny, be yourself. oh well
tomorrow is merry's sweet sixteen! ohhh i cannot wait. i get to see coll, who i haven't seen in like six weeks - no joke. and it's just going to kick. woot! can't wait.
oh yeah, becca switched into ap human geo. this is going to be wicked sick! a class with my shooting star, and the best class of all. saaaawwweeeettt. oh and props to christine today. "do you hold your winkie when you pee?" i nearly died on that one. amazingly hysterical.
and on a seperate note, :-D. just overall good feeling about something. ahhh, i love things sometimes. oh, and i can't wait for the weekend. one day to go, and it better go fast. night