it's been o n e crazy weekend

Oct 11, 2004 15:55

last i left off, i believe it was friday evening.. so i will pick it up from there.  saturday morning i woke up and hung around the house for awhile and i believe i straightened up my room during the day and did some things around the house so that becca and i were able to hang out and then have her come over.  she picked me up later in the afternoon and we went to her brothers soccer game with her family.  then we went out to dinner at this amazing place, la casa, in northport and it was soo good.  we stuffed ourselves with penne alla vodka and then cannoli cake.  oh man, thinking about it makes me stuffed :) oofa. haha  then we came back to my house and she slept over.  chris was going to come over for a bit, but it got to late so we just talked to him on the phone for awhile and soon passed out due to pure exhaustion.  we also made some ghost cookies, which rocked.  then in the am mom made some belgian waffles<3 and then becca had to go home.  i hung around the house for a bit, cleaned some more, did some homework and then had a crazy evening.  woahhh.  awesome times :)  bucks was good, even if it was short lived.  chris and i then went to baskin robbins for some ice cream and once i decided i didn't want mine anymore, we kept getting it on each other.  which, that stuff is so sticky ick. haha  then went to the park and got smoothered in dirty hands from bird poop and garbage cans.  heeby jeebies right there.  but it was very comical.  then walked a lap on the track at the high school, and chris tried to convince me i hit him upside the head with the metal pole thingy.  thank god i didn't, i would have felt so bad.  then i went home, because i had to.  and that brings up to today.  BIG day for me :-D  got my braces off early in the morning which was awesome.  ahhh i love it.  then did some errands with mom and kon.  got mcdonalds for breakfast.. it was good, i had never had it before.  went tanning, did a little shopping and then some other things.  then came home and got ready and went to the mall with becca.  had some yummy lunch and met chris a little later.  we did some shopping and hung out.  "boy in mans body.... ggguuuuyyyy" *in indian voice* haha that was great.   i'm still hysterical over it!

i basically blew off most of my homework, well the ap us at least and reading 12 pages.  it's so boring, i can't even be bothered right now.  i'll have to make that up.  four day week of school coming up, awesome.  and this weekend is pretty packed already.  gooooood times.  so the weekend was kickin' haha  anddd that about wraps it up in short.  school tomorrow, i'm excited haha have an awesome outfit picked out, and no metal on the teeth!! wooooooott  leave it for me lovesss
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