[Brock has jacked the PA system. Well...more like persuaded Nancy to show him where it is and how to work it. He knows this is probably not allowed, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and there is a public in dire need of education. How is he supposed to get information to students and faculty who probably can't work their own computers?
The result is an intercom broadcast heard all over campus--in the classrooms, the dorms, the dining hall, through speakers on the main quad. Brock figures that it's the best and most all-encompassing method of relaying his stunning revelation, but covers all his bases just in case. He records his broadcast and then (with Nancy's help) cross-posts it to an entry in his journal, along with a text transcription, just in case anyone would rather read and type back.]
[Some time in the afternoon, the speakers crackle to life.]
--'s on? Oh, okay. Thanks, Nancy.
[Throat clearing!]
Um. Attention Sumabura Gakuen Hi. Hello, Smash Academy. This is, uh...This is Brock Harrison, I'm one of the gym leaders here, if you didn't know that, and, um...
Anyway, it has come to my attention that most of the students and faculty are now Pokemon and. Other things. I know you are probably all in various states of disorientation and confusion, so as someone who works with Pokemon, I thought it'd be a good idea to bring up a few things. Knowledge is power.
To be blunt, the breeding mechanisms of Pokemon are much different than those of many other species. In order to avoid unexpected...ah...accidents, I've posted a list of known egg groups and Pokemon in said egg groups on the bulletin board in the student union. I recommend everyone take a look at it and exercise caution and good judgment until whatever this is wears off.
If, in the event that you find a mysterious egg and do not know where it came from, please let me know immediately. Along those lines, if anyone has any general Pokemon-related questions, I'm available in TD-34 and I have a really big dry erase board and a Ouija board and lots of Scrabble tiles. For communication purposes.
[There is a long pause. He's mumbling something to Nancy in the background.]
I am also making...a lot of Poffins. A lot. They're in baskets outside of TD-34 if anyone would like them. My apologies to those of you who have become...not-Pokemon. I wish I could be more of a help. If there's anything I can do to make life easier, like open doors or do things that require thumbs, please don't hesitate to let me know however you can. That goes for everyone.
I think that's all. Please be Pokemon responsibly. Thank you.
What? No! Okay. There's the off switch. [The broadcast cuts out.]
((OOC: The whole "broadcast/audio journal/text journal thing is basically an excuse for you to respond to this entry in whatever format you'd like, whether it is voice, video, text, or action. Post as if this is a journal entry on the network! Swing by Brock's dorm to visit and talk (or try to)! Ask embarrassing and/or inappropriate questions! Steal all the poffins! Anything goes!))