08 [ACTION--Dated Sunday, June 6th.]

Jun 05, 2010 18:29

[LOOK! What's that on the horizon?

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...a thirty-foot rock snake, slowly ambling up the road towards the school gate. Yes, folks, Brock has returned from his month-long backpacking Sinnoh trip. He's riding atop Onix looking very cheerful and smiley like he's just had the best gosh darn time ever.

But wait? Who's that with him?

Why it's Zelda! She's equally as cheerful and smiley and looking thrilled to be riding on such an amazing creature. And she's...hugging Brock around the waist? Is it so she won't fall off? How did she get there in the first place? Were those mysterious rumors true after all?

NO. NO. That would just be ridiculous.

Oh, right, Zelda's got this big honkin' ring on her finger.]

((OOC: Bringing them back together for the lulz and just to make life easier for me. I'll be tagging with both of them and will put the usual 1/# in the subject line if I combo.))

original ladies man, not what it looks like, onix destroyer of worlds, totally eloping with zelda

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