app for capeandcowl;

Sep 05, 2011 22:34

AGE• 19
JOURNAL• genre
IM• boobwindow or aviatrices
RETURNING• 3 - Kara Zor-El, Jim Kirk and Gwen Stacy

CHARACTER NAME• Carol Susan Jane Danvers
FANDOM• Marvel 616
CHRONOLOGY• Right at the end of Siege #4
ALTER EGO• Uh... Carol Danvers, professional bum. No, idk, she may write and try and publish some stories about her time as a Starjammer like she did back home once upon a time. If that's coo'.

Carol Susan Jane Danvers was born and raised on the East Coast of the US. From an early age it was pretty apparent what her father thought of women and what their place was. Carol worked damn hard to prove that she was just as good as her brothers at anything and everything. When it came time, Carol’s family could only afford to send one kid to college and her dad chose one of her brothers, even though Carol had better grades. Enraged, Carol ran off to join the Air Force in hopes that the scholarship she would get from that would get her to college.

It did, but that’s not exactly what made her time in the Air Force so special. Carol had never really been sure what she wanted to do with her life until she started flying. That’s what she was born to do. She loved the Air Force like nothing else and she was a damn good pilot and eventual officer. Her career flying with the Force came to an end after a test flight of a Stark Industries plane that went terribly wrong and ended up with Carol being held prisoner and tortured for a good chunk of time. After that, she went to work for military intelligence and joined the spy game. Eventually, NASA got a hold of her and she took a position of Head of Security at one of their bases.

That’s where she met the Kree captain Mar-Vell and started her journey towards becoming a superhero. She was initially suspicious of Mar-Vell’s human identity and eventually befriended and came to be rather… fond of Captain Marvel. Lots of crazy things happened, but the most important one is she was kidnapped at one point by Yon-Rogg and though she was rescued by Captain Marvel, she was doused with energy that changed her genetic structure and gave her superpowers! Thus began the story of Ms. Marvel.

She had a pretty crazy career as Ms. Marvel, juggling the whole superhero thing, being an editor of a women’s magazine and all her personal drama. During her time as Ms. Marvel, she met a bunch of other superheroes and eventually joined the Avengers for a while. Unfortunately, her time with the Avengers was cut short by a really fucking weird storyline in which she was brainwashed by a man who called himself named Marcus. He pretty much raped her, impregnated her and then whisked her away to his alternate dimension. He screwed up things in his calculations, though and died shortly after he took Carol away from her life. When he died, the brainwashing went away and Carol managed to get herself back to Earth.

Shaken and traumatized by the event, she didn’t let anyone know about what happened to her. She lived on the other side of the country for months, trying to deal with what happened in peace. Peace didn’t last long, though, and when coming home from shopping one night, she was attacked by Rogue who stole her powers and her memories. On the brink of death, Carol was rescued by Spider-Woman who called in the Avengers and the X-Men. Professor Xavier managed to restore Carol’s memories, but not the emotions associated with them. Carol stayed with the X-Men for a while and was with them when they were captured by the alien Brood who experimented on her and gave her new powers that replaced her old ones.

With new powers, a new costume, and a new name, Carol stayed in the stars as Binary and went adventuring with the Starjammers. Years later, Carol returned to Earth and ended up exhausting her Binary powers saving the sun. She spent quite a bit of time recooperating at the Avengers mansion and ended up rejoining the team. Sadly, Carol’s time with the Avengers was every bit as rocky as the rest of her life. She ended up quitting the team due to a struggle with alocholism. She found a friend and ally in Tony Stark who helped her recover and eventually brought her back to the Avengers where she was an asset to the team for quite a while.

When House of M came around, Carol’s House counterpart was Earth’s ‘best hero,’ even though she wasn’t a mutant. She was one of the few people to retain her memories of the event and those memories inspired her to try to become the best hero in reality. Before she could get very far with this plan, though, the superhero Civil War started. Carol sided with Iron Man and ended up making some really hard decisions and doing some things she regretted later. After the war, she stayed at Tony’s side, working with the 50 State Iniative as the leader of the Mighty Avengers. She led her own S.H.I.E.L.D. team at the same time and had a number of… interesting adventures with them.

She fought hard during the Skrull Invasion, which messed with her powers just a little. When Norman Osborn was made Top Cop, Carol told him to go fuck himself and left the Mighty Avengers to go join her BFFs the Jessicas in the New Avengers where she actually became Clint’s deputy leader. Later, Osborn put out a hit on her and Carol was killed. Or she was kind of killed anyways. She came back as a bunch of different energy beings and with the help of some creepy baby looking things managed to reconstitute herself.

Then Siege happens and that’s basically a giant clusterfuck where people die and come back from the dead and cities go whoops we’re ruins now. BUT THE ENDING IS WONDERFUL and full of aww yes we’re all awesome bros and teammates. That’s where she’s getting pulled from.

Carol’s life has been a series of times where she’s had to prove herself in one way or another. Growing up, it was proving she was the best sibling. In the military, it was proving she was the best pilot/spy/what-have-you. As a hero, it was proving she could save the world with the best of them. Eventually that turned into proving that she could handle her alcoholism and later proving that she was better and she could handle whatever life was going to throw at her. After the House of M incident, it was proving she could be the best hero of them all. At the end of her series, shortly before Siege, she realizes that being the best hero ever isn’t a real goal, but she’s still trying to be the best possible person she can be and slowly learning that life isn’t actually constantly about proving herself.

And while she may be slowly learning that she doesn’t have to, that need to prove herself is so deeply ingrained in Carol that the rest of her personality seems to form around it sometimes. It’s where her incredibly large competitive streak comes from. That streak is what eventually made her into such a good warrior. And what a warrior she is. She’s tougher than nails and there is next to nothing that will make her back down from a fight. She’s got a little bit of a punch first, ask questions later sort of mentality at times, but Carol is an incredibly smart woman. She’s a brilliant tactician, able to come up with plans on the fly and improvise during a fight. She’s a natural leader when she lets herself be, able to direct people where they need to go, and able to manage different personalities and the clashes that come with them. Carol is an incredibly capable woman and she knows it.

At least, she knows it most of the time. That whole having to have proven herself so many times over thing has left her with a sense of self-doubt that comes up at the strangest times. When she’s in the middle of a fight, she’s usually in the zone. Calm, collected and confident are all good words. When she’s not in the middle of battle or even the slightest bit unsure of a situation, she has a tendency that she’s quickly growing out of to overcompensate and make sure everyone knows that she’s good. She can do this. She doesn’t need anyone’s help.

Carol is a stubborn ass sometimes, too. When she can, she’ll do everything on her own. Her struggle with alcoholism made her realize that sometimes she needs to ask for help, but it’s still hard to do. She’s a prideful creature and showing people that she’s got weaknesses is one of the most difficult things for her to do. She gets a little testy when people call her out on it, too. It’s one of her biggest flaws, and it’s one of the few things that can set her temper off right away. She can usually keep a fairly even head, and does better at staying focused in crises, but there are some things that set her off and make her just want to haul off and punch the shit out of things. Which actually seems to be a fairly common personality trait among superheroes, now that I think about it.

altered genetics & biology → I don't know any other way to describe it, but basically Carol's not completely human anymore. Because of that, she's got superstrength, almost-invulnerability, flight and the power to absorb and expend energy. Also she can change from her costume to civvies and back kind of like Danny Phantom. I have no idea how that fits in with her other powers, though. :|a

[ the video feed turns on as carol's comm clatters to the pavement. there's nothing but bricks to see, but there's the unmistakeable sounds of a fight in the background. after a few moments, there's a flash of light and a loud FWASH to accompany it. then, carol's voice. ]

Woof! After the past few days, I can't tell if this is exactly what I needed or exactly what I don't need.

[ the sounds of feet on cement and then the picture tilts until carol's smiling face comes into view. ]

Hello, Network. You're a pretty useful thing when someone's got questions about what the hell is happening when they end up in not-New York. No need to give me the big spiel, I've read enough that I think I got everyone and their aunt's different ways of explaining it.

I was hoping to wait to use this thing until I had something other than just a typical, "Hi, I'm so and so and I just got here," speech. But... Hi. I'm Ms. Marvel. I just got here. And I've got some small-time crooks that could do with a pick-up if anyone's got a line to the police.

It was surreal, having everyone together on the roof of Stark Tower. After fighting each other for so long, then being on the run, having all the Avengers together and at peace was something incredibly strange. Carol almost wants to pinch herself to check if she’s dreaming. Her glass of lemonade is cool and slightly damp against her hand, a contrast to the sun beating down on her head. The contrast keeps her grounded as she looks around at these people she’s known for so long now.

She smiles at Tony, thinking of everything they’ve been through recently and feeling a small pang in her chest when she thinks of how she wasn’t there when he was really going through hell at the end. She looks over at Luke and Jessice and little baby Dani and her smile grows. Warmth that has nothing to do with the weather spreads through her as she watches the happy family, finally free. It’s such a difference to the sight of Julia Carpenter’s daughter being taken right from her arms. It’s a nice change. And for the first time in a long while, Carol has hope for the future of the Avengers.

Steve stands up, looking for the world like he’s going to make one of his speeches and she can’t help but laugh quietly to herself. That was something she thought she would never see again.

But before he can say anything, the world shifts and suddenly she’s indoors, on a teleporter, with a mechanical voice talking to her. There’s a brief moment of disorientation and confusion where panic claws at her insides and Carol can’t help but wonder if maybe the past few weeks haven’t really been real and oh God what’s happening. Then the voice says, “Hero,” and Carol snaps back to attention, determination settling into place and her fighter’s instincts taking over as she floats into the air, alert. She looks around the room warily, casing it, before she goes to take the dog tags and communicator.

Carol flies out of the Porter building and up into the air over the City. It’s startling, how different it is from New York and how similar it is at the same time. She soars in a few lazy loops around different parts of the City before she looks down at the communicator in her hand. They wouldn’t be readily available if there wasn’t someone to communicate with, and so she suspiciously turns it on and flips through the Network. Her inner spy glees at all the information laid out before her. There’s so much to read, so she makes herself comfortable in the air and settles down to absorb as much of it as she can in one sitting.

if she somehow ends up with a cat in the city, she's naming it r2d2. :|b

by which i mean there's nothing important

! app, @ capeandcowl

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