Dec 07, 2005 21:14
Hello all,
I hope you are all doing well, this has been a pretty emotional week for me this week and for those that I love most dearly. My best friend Karen is in the hospital with severe pre-eclampsia, she and her baby are in danger right now, they are attempting to deliver the baby six weeks premature. She has been given steroids to strengthen her lungs, but the doctors cannot push Karen to labor too hard since it will cause bad things to happen with the pre-eclampsia. I am thinking of her, the baby, and her poor husband Michael all the time, and I hope that if you read this you will send some positive energy and prayers her way since she is the sweetest person on the whole entire earth.
I went to a funeral today, cooked food for the family, and did everything that I could to help them as they went through the painful final days with their loved one that had passed on. I know the family well, and love them dearly, and my heart hurts for them so deeply right now.
I am just tired, and melancholy. Instead of doing the usual energized cannot wait for Christmas thing, I find myself with the winter is probably because I miss the snow and all it has done here is rain for a week with more rain in the forecast.
I don't even have all my decorations up yet, which is unheard of for me. I am always the first one done, but in this new house I have no idea where to put thins and I move them a thousand times before I am happy with where I put them. *laughs*
The kidlings are doing well, excited that Christmas is upon them. They are doing their first round of dibbles testing before Christmas break, and I know that they are going to totally rock them.
I am going to be fine though, and I love you all.