I Got Two Tickets To Paradise.

Aug 07, 2006 22:41

Where have you been Kristin Vanderbilt?

Why at MSI of course.

Due to our lack in staff, I've worked six days for the past two weeks. Will I ever get any recognition for it? Probably not. I'm just doing it for the money anyway. I leave for California in exactly one month and thirteen days (No I didn't count, that's just what is says on MySpace) and I need all the money I can get. I also need to buy Kevin a birthday present. I have a real good idea in mind, I just need to stop dilly dallying and go and get it.

I'm really excited to see LA, I've never been there before. We're going to eat at The House Of Pies, he's taking me to see the dinosaurs from Pee-Wee's Big Adventure and to wrap everything up he's taking me to Disneyland. If I know Kevin, I'm sure there is some surprises going to be mixed in there.

I've realized my social life revolves around The Romeros. It's true, if I'm not at a Romeros show, I'm hanging out with one of them. I went to see Eddie Money at Crestwood Fest with Bob and Mike. It was fun, except he played all his good songs first and the rest kind of sucked. But I did run into probably everyone I've known in my entire life there. I really am stuck in a time warp.

I've started running again, which I'm soooo excited about. I feel so much better. For those of you who don't know, I use to be quite the avid runner, I used to run for a hour every night, but I stop and let it fall to the wayside. But I'm back. I'm starting out slow, running for a few blocks, then walking, the running again. I need to slowly build up that stamina. What's really awesome is that I used to hate making CD's and bringing along a bulky portable CD player, now I don't have to. My iPod Nano is perfect, it's so little and transportable. Thank you Kevin, you're the best boyfriend ever.

Not just because he bought me an iPod, amongst other things, but because he's just fantastic. It's been almost two/three months (depending on how you look at it. We started talking in May, but it didn't become official till June. I think Kevin said the official day is June 13th.....) and I have yet to find anything wrong, for me that's an accomplishment.

Speaking of boyfriends, I'm with Juell on this one, when did we become all girly?
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