It's that time of year! Our annual Best Of activities will be happening over on our
dreamwidth account!
December 15th - Icon Remake
It’s your chance to call a mulligan on any of your icons from 2023. Remake any icon and post the before and after for everyone to admire.
December 22nd - Icon Resolutions
In the New Year’s Spirit, make some graphic-related plans and goals for 2024! Do you want to make a post every month, icon different subjects, build up your courage to enter a scary contest? Put it down in writing here before the 31st.
January 1st - Nominations Open!
The main event is here! Throw your name into the ring and have people tell you what they think was your best icon from 2023.
January 10th - Maker Nominations Closed
No new makers will be allowed to submit their name for icon nominations after this point. So, make sure you post your name before then!
January 15th - Icon Nominations Closed
That’s it, no more! Take a step back and relax while your mod scurries around preparing for the next phase of the activity...
January ??th - Voting
As soon as possible, voting posts will start going up for every maker! They will be staggered depending on the number of entrants.
January ??th - Winners!
Oops, I can’t tell you when this will be yet! First we need to know how many polls there will be and how long they will take to put up. More on this story as it develops.
Scattered throughout will be reminders, updates, and a few polls to gauge how best to run things for maximum enjoyment and minimal mod hair-tearing.
PROMOTE BEST OF ’23" alt="" /> || activities start December 15
(All dates and activities are subject to change based on the needs of the mods/unforeseen circumstances)