[23:09] * octopus[morgue] is here, and with a dead body in a crate! Hey, I had a dream like this once.
[23:09] * Verbal shifts his weight anxiously, watching.
[23:09] takhys: [Andrew is still dead and still in the crate.]
[23:10] takhys: [ It seems that the trip has disloged something. The box starts to shake a little and an odd, tinny sound starts to play. It sounds like horrible, canned laughter. If they move the body, they'll find one of these underneath -
http://www.prankplace.com/laughbag.htm ]
[23:10] * Arachne follows along, after a bit. Dead people are skeery.
[23:10] octopus[morgue]: Alright, Ms. Fey... how do you normally do this? I was thinking it might be less stressful for you if I got him on a shelf, at least...
[23:10] * Verbal nearly jumps a foot.
[23:10] Verbal: What the hell is that?
[23:11] Arachne: o_o
[23:11] Maya_Fey: On a shelf is fine. I don't need to be in contact with the body, I just need to know what he looks like, get an image and a name.
[23:11] octopus[morgue]: *the air in here is refrigerator-cool, and the place has a bleach-y smell that doesn't quite cover the stench of death*
[23:12] * Arachne wrinkles her nose unconsciously, under the mask.
[23:12] octopus[morgue]: F- gah! *he reaches in and recovers the toy, crushing it in a tentacle*
[23:12] * Verbal bites his lips, doing his best to block out the smell.
[23:12] octopus[morgue]: Alright... You can have a look at his face, if it will help... I'm afraid that he's been a bit mutilated.
[23:12] Verbal: Thank God that wasn't a bomb. I was almost certain...
[23:12] * Maya_Fey is trying to keep her face from showing anything, here.
[23:14] * Maya_Fey moves over to investigate the corpse, gagging a little.
[23:14] * octopus[morgue] reaches in with his actuators and carefully extracts the corpse, which has definitely begun to smell by now... they say that hanging is a good cure for constipation, you know.
[23:14] takhys: [ Andrew is still there and still GRINNING. ]
[23:15] octopus[morgue]: I'm afraid that I don't know who this young man was. *somber*
[23:15] * Verbal with great effort, brings his eyes up to look.
[23:15] Verbal: I don't either.
[23:17] Arachne: Uh... does he have a wallet?
[23:17] takhys: [Andrew has been in the Sanc before. Anyone here for either of those? ]
[23:17] octopus[morgue]: H.. here. Give me a moment, and I'll try to clean the corpse up a bit.
[23:18] * Maya_Fey closes her eyes and walks over to an isolated area, closing her eyes and kneeling down.
[23:18] octopus[morgue]: You girls take a break for a moment.... could you, ah... get me a garbage bag?
[23:18] * octopus[morgue] addresses Verbal.
[23:18] Verbal: Where are they kept?
[23:18] octopus[morgue]: I have no idea... check that supply shelf.
[23:19] * Verbal limps over to it, peering into it.
[23:19] Verbal: I think they're in here, yeah.
[23:20] * Verbal pulls out a few of them, limps back and hands one to Octopus.
[23:20] Verbal: Only one?
[23:20] takhys: [ He's got a wallet in one pocket - ID and everything. ]
[23:21] * octopus[morgue] moves over to the slab and lays the unfortunate man on it, painstakingly undressing him with his tentacles. "Get me two..."
[23:21] * Verbal is holding a whole bunch, hands him two more.
[23:21] takhys: [ Andrew is really, really pale. It's probably the blood loss. ]
[23:21] octopus[morgue]: Ahh... thank you... here's his wallet. Could you take a look at that? I'd better clean up this mess...
[23:22] takhys: [ There's a driver's license, library card, etc. All for Andrew Marsh, age 22. ]
[23:22] * Verbal takes it.
[23:22] * Verbal opens it somewhat clumsily with his good hand, flips through the contents.
[23:22] Verbal: ...Andrew Marsh.
[23:22] Verbal: Jesus, he was young.
[23:23] * octopus[morgue] tries to ignore his gag reflex, (this is worse than changing a dirty diaper) and cleans up the corpse as best he can, stuffing the towels he's used into the other bag and sealing it as well.
[23:23] Verbal: Does anyone recognize the name?
[23:24] * Maya_Fey mutters it quietly. "Andrew Marsh..."
[23:24] * Maya_Fey starts zoning out, chanting something under her breath
[23:24] * Verbal turns to Maya. "Do you need to see this?"
[23:24] octopus[morgue]: Hmm... Alright, that's about all I can do for the smell. *a surgical sheet provides the late Mr. Marsh with a last little dignity.*
[23:24] Verbal: Ah... never mind.
[23:24] *** You are now known as AndrewInMaya.
[23:25] Arachne: I don't.
[23:25] * octopus[morgue] is going to have to bleach his tentacles later. [I've killed with these, and yet I've never felt so filthy in them before.]
[23:25] AndrewInMaya: [ The first thing that Maya might notice is that everything HURTS and feels too tight. ]
[23:25] AndrewInMaya: [ Something is wrong with her muscles. They all ache, it's a bit like a full body asthma attack. ]
[23:26] * AndrewInMaya would like you all to know that poisoning SUCKS ASS.
[23:26] *** Maya_Fey is now known as Maya_As_Andrew.
[23:26] octopus[morgue]: You're Rylie, right? If Maya needs help, I'd prefer that you hold or restrain her.
[23:27] AndrewInMaya: Jesus. What, what the fuck?!
[23:27] * Verbal looks up?
[23:27] * AndrewInMaya looks around the room. Holy shit, where is he? What's happening?! A little ... is that him dead?! Over there?
[23:27] Verbal: Has it started already?
[23:27] * AndrewInMaya is gasping for breath.
[23:28] Verbal: Maya, are you okay?
[23:28] AndrewInMaya: What? Where the hell? Did get me out?
[23:28] octopus[morgue]: No, that's...
[23:28] * AndrewInMaya doesn't seem to have all his sandwiches in one basket.
[23:28] Verbal: ...Andrew? Are you Andres?
[23:29] Verbal: *Andrew?
[23:29] AndrewInMaya: Yeah, yeah, I'm Andrew. Andy. What's happening?
[23:29] * octopus[morgue] discreetly covers the corpse with another surgical sheet.
[23:29] * Verbal stands there awkwardly. How do you explain to someone that they're dead, anyway?
[23:29] * AndrewInMaya would suggest asking questions before he flitters off into the Nevernever.
[23:30] Verbal: Do you know a Will Plaine?
[23:30] AndrewInMaya: Fucking bastard!
[23:30] AndrewInMaya: Hired me, for...there was, for fifty bucks. Worst easy money ever.
[23:30] Verbal: Aha... that's... usually how it is.
[23:30] Verbal: Do you know where we can find him?
[23:30] AndrewInMaya: The...he took my finger! And my hand!
[23:31] AndrewInMaya: ...and my feet and...*runs his hands over Maya's face* ...he did that, too.
[23:31] * AndrewInMaya claps a hand over his mouth to stiffle a laugh.
[23:31] Verbal: Andres, please. Can you tell us where he is?
[23:31] Verbal: *Andrew
[23:32] * AndrewInMaya fights off the giggles. "It was a warehouse. That's all. I dunno. Fucking warehouse."
[23:32] Verbal: Do you have a pinpoint? Do you have coordinates for it?
[23:32] AndrewInMaya: PINpoint? No? I...what?
[23:32] * AndrewInMaya was the lowest flunky on the totem pole.
[23:33] Verbal: It's a teleportation device. Never mind that. Where did he first contact you?
[23:33] * Verbal is surprisingly professional for a conman who talks too much. >_>
[23:33] AndrewInMaya: I had an ad up in the paper, looking for jobs. Y'know to make ends meet at school.
[23:33] * AndrewInMaya was going to college.
[23:33] Verbal: Damn.
[23:34] Verbal: Okay, were you in the warhouse when he... uh... when you... fought?
[23:34] * AndrewInMaya has started to laugh again. He's clutching his sides. God, that hurts. "Like, like a lamb to the slaughter, I went. Just an, an...another job he says. Then he takes...Christ, his -face-."
[23:35] Verbal: *There might be pity in his face.* Andrew...
[23:35] Verbal: Is there anything you can tell us at all? We need to find him. We need to stop him from ever doing these things again.
[23:35] Verbal: Do you understand?
[23:36] *** custardpringle has joined #themortuary.
[23:36] * AndrewInMaya starts talking and talking fast. "His face, you'll know him by his face. Big, big, grin. So bright. He was laughing and, and, there was music, he was playing old jazz music."
[23:36] Verbal: Yes, I know his face, Andew...
[23:36] AndrewInMaya: He, he said I got blood on his suit, he was sewing a suit, just like the Grinch. In the movie.
[23:36] Verbal: *Andrew
[23:37] AndrewInMaya: ...no, NO, you don't.
[23:37] AndrewInMaya: With the bandages, bandages off. You -can't-.
[23:37] Verbal: That's right. He... his face... I never saw it after.
[23:37] Verbal: Okay, that's fine, great.
[23:37] Verbal: Is it.. do you know if he had any sort of plastic surgery?
[23:38] AndrewInMaya: Yes, must've. His, god, the -smile-.
[23:38] * AndrewInMaya is hiccoughing and moving between sobbing and laughing. He's a little hysterical.
[23:38] Verbal: Shh. There, there.
[23:38] * Verbal pats his arm hesitantly.
[23:38] Verbal: It's okay.
[23:39] Verbal: What was his smile like? Was it big?
[23:39] AndrewInMaya: So pale, he's the thin, white duke. Like, like a cave-fish.
[23:39] * AndrewInMaya 's face splits into a GRIN. Yeah, like that.
[23:40] Verbal: A cave-fish?
[23:40] AndrewInMaya: Like he never saw the sun.
[23:40] Verbal: Okay. Got it.
[23:40] Verbal: Anything else?
[23:40] Verbal: Wait, no. You remember how you got the warehouse, don't you?
[23:40] * Arachne moves a little towards Maya, just in case.
[23:41] AndrewInMaya: No? I don't know? He...yeah, I went there. To pick up a delivery.
[23:41] Verbal: Can you tell me where it is?
[23:41] * octopus[morgue] listens quietly as he cleans up the slab, and his own actuators.
[23:41] AndrewInMaya: Down by the waterfront, past Bowery.
[23:42] Verbal: In the Nexus?
[23:42] AndrewInMaya: Through Amusement Mile, no. Not in a nexus. In, in the city.
[23:42] Verbal: Oh, New York... right. Jesus.
[23:42] * AndrewInMaya is really starting to laugh now. This can't be healthy for Maya's body.
[23:42] AndrewInMaya: New Where?
[23:42] octopus[morgue]: Manhattan... near Chatham.
[23:42] * AndrewInMaya shakes his head. "Never heard of it."
[23:43] AndrewInMaya: S'just down from Bludhaven.
[23:43] * octopus[morgue] raises an eyebrow. "Gotham?
[23:43] * AndrewInMaya nods. God, this hurts. He should leave soon. This laughing thing is really not doing Maya any good.
[23:44] Verbal: Gotham. Okay.
[23:44] Verbal: And you don't know where he's staying?
[23:45] AndrewInMaya: There's a million FUCKING WAREHOUSES.
[23:45] * AndrewInMaya breaks into a long gigglefit.
[23:45] Verbal: Shh. Andrew...
[23:45] * AndrewInMaya shakes his head. No more, no more shh. He's just going to laugh until they sedate him.
[23:46] Verbal: Andrew, it's okay. Listen, you've been a wonderful help.
[23:46] Verbal: I mean it.
[23:46] * Verbal forces a weak smile, patting him on the arm.
[23:46] * AndrewInMaya is still laughing. It's getting hard to breathe.
[23:47] Verbal: Andrew, please.
[23:47] AndrewInMaya: Can't really help it, can I?
[23:47] Verbal: I don't blame you...
[23:48] AndrewInMaya: Better not, not my fault he's a psycho.
[23:49] Verbal: No, not that. You're very brave. It's got to be tough as hell... in that sort of situation.
[23:49] Verbal: I'm sorry.
[23:49] * octopus[morgue] speaks up. "Andrew... is Will Plaine a human? Physically."
[23:49] AndrewInMaya: Fuck -no-.
[23:49] AndrewInMaya: He can't be. No one, no...he can't. That's, people don't look like that. They don't act like that.
[23:50] * Verbal doesn't even think about asking that despite his time in the Nexus. Old dogs...
[23:50] * octopus[morgue] sighs.
[23:50] Verbal: Did he have any sort of special ability?
[23:51] Verbal: Uh... super power. I don't know. He comes from Gotham?
[23:51] AndrewInMaya: Like did he fly or some shit? He's a tall white guy with a BIG ASS SMILE and a razor. I don't know?! I was a little busy getting my fingers chiseled off.
[23:51] Verbal: I'm sorry...
[23:52] octopus[morgue]: [I can't imagine the Joker going incognito....]
[23:53] * AndrewInMaya lays down, he's still quietly laughing. God, it hurts.
[23:54] * Verbal looks to Octopus, as if to say 'should we just let him go now and give him a break...?'
[23:54] * octopus[morgue] gives Verbal a helpless shrug.
[23:55] * AndrewInMaya goes still and Andrew leaves the body.
[23:55] *** You are now known as takhys.
[23:55] Arachne: :o!
[23:55] Verbal: ...? Is he...?
[23:55] *** Maya_As_Andrew is now known as Maya_Sleeps.
[23:56] * Verbal approaches Maya.
[23:56] Verbal: Andrew? Maya?
[23:56] octopus[morgue]: Rylie.... could you pick her up?
[23:56] * Maya_Sleeps collapses to the ground, unconscious. She won't do much for a good while.
[23:56] octopus[morgue]: She's probably exhausted.
[23:57] * Arachne picks Maya up, gently.
[23:57] Verbal: So we've got the warhouse area, at least.
[23:57] Verbal: I don't know shit about Gotham, though.
[23:57] * octopus[morgue] nods, frowning. "I don'
[23:57] octopus[morgue]: I don't even know /which/ Gotham.
[23:57] Verbal: Shit. You're right.
[23:57] Verbal: We could ask for volunteers in the Nexus. Scout out the main possibilities.
[23:57] Arachne: Where should she go...?
[23:58] octopus[morgue]: For now, we should go back to the Sanctuary... we can let her rest on a couch, for the moment.
[23:58] Verbal: Right.
[23:58] * Arachne nods. She seems a bit creeped out by this whole thing. She head that way.
[23:59] * octopus[morgue] heads off, a morose frown on his face.
[23:59] *** octopus[morgue] is now known as octopus.
[00:02] *** Arachne is now known as susleep.
[00:04] *** Terana is now known as SophiaOsborn.
End of #themortuary buffer: Mon May 21 00:07:28 2007
[23:58] * Arachne pads in, carrying Maya?
[23:59] takhys: [While everyone else was out playing with dearly, departed Andrew, Will snuck into the Sanc and did a little art of his own -- purple and green spray paint, with a little red and white for contrast. Giant letters reading out: "WHO LOVES YA, BABY?" and a little picture of a playing card. Guess which one? ]
[23:59] * octopus[morgue] hisses. "Fuck!"
[23:59] * Verbal limps in, and...
[23:59] Verbal: Oh /fuck./
[23:59] *** octopus[morgue] is now known as octopus.
[23:59] Verbal: Not this shit again.
[23:59] *** RShini has joined #thesanctuary.
[00:00] octopus: ....this turd had better not be the Joker.
[00:00] Verbal: Does that even matter
[00:00] Verbal: ?
[00:00] * octopus rubs his face, scowling. "Well, it would mean that we're dealing with someone who is mortal, at least. I just thought a little more of him."
[00:00] Verbal: Hey.
[00:01] Verbal: But if he is the joker, that rules out a lot of gothams, right? Because he'd have to be young enough in that universe.
[00:01] * octopus nods a bit.
[00:01] Verbal: He could just be a copy cat, though. *frown*
[00:01] * Arachne sets Maya down, gently, on an untouched couch, and steps back. She's shaking a little.
[00:01] Verbal: It wouldn't hurt to check those gothams first, though.
[00:01] Arachne: I...I think I need to go lay down myself a little while.
[00:01] octopus: Yes...
[00:02] octopus: ....ah... take care of yourself, Ms. Rylie.
[00:02] * Verbal nods at Rylie.
[00:02] * Arachne pads out. She's going to go peel off the outer layer of the suit and collapse on her bed.